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sunshinecorp: Gain 50 more watching THIS:
zeogold: *heart attack*
Yes, that's its pet name.
A burger so large it gets another burger as a topping.
What's not to love?
Post edited January 17, 2016 by sunshinecorp
sunshinecorp: What's not to love?
The life-threatening artery clogs.
sunshinecorp: What's not to love?
zeogold: The life-threatening artery clogs.
Poppycock! I don't believe in that stuff!
zeogold: The life-threatening artery clogs.
sunshinecorp: Poppycock! I don't believe in that stuff!
zeogold: Your move, buddy boy! This time they get to yell at YOU instead of ME!

(Not in for the prizes anyway)
zeogold: Your move, buddy boy! This time they get to yell at YOU instead of ME!
madth3: GUILTY

(Not in for the prizes anyway)
So be it!
As per the rules, please explain your reasoning via PM. Prize or no prize, be in it for the glory of winning!
Plus, you could always be in for somebody else (even if they're not playing).
Twix, Skittles.... Shit like that.
The votes are in! Let's review what happened today.

When the jury returned, the air was tense. Everybody sat down to mull over the new evidence, while the Puzzlemaster nosily smacked his jaws while gnawing on day-old pizza and making casual conversation about the Star Wars movies with a member of the audience. Eventually, the prosecution called out an objection to the noise, which was sustained by the judge. To get past this, the Puzzlemaster then ordered pizza for the whole court while sunshinecorp grilled up some Lemmy burgers made from fresh bear meat of unknown origin (there aren't even any bears in this area!). Both the defense and the prosecution stared at each other exasperatedly, and screamed at the judge to stop this nonsense. Much to their chagrin, they found His Honor happily munching on a slice of pizza and overruling their plea.
Once everybody had eaten their fill, the evidence was presented.

Please do not post. Evidence incoming.
Post edited January 18, 2016 by zeogold
The Puzzlemaster received the autopsy report from the prosecution and began to read aloud:
"Cause of death was a single gunshot wound to the chest. The bullet entered the thorax cavity between the third and fourth ribs, causing a collapsed lung and piercing the septum wall between the left and right ventricles. Death occurred between five to ten minutes."
Prosecution: "Was the bullet in Mr. Oaks fired from the handgun belonging to the security guard?"
Defense: "Objection! The medical examiner is not a ballistics expert, and neither is the Puzzlemaster."

The jury was then released to deliberate. The day passed.


The judge announces that the case has carried on as long as it can. This is a small town, and the people keep dying off, (I hear they're having some sort of assassin problem) meaning they can't pay their taxes (and on top of that, the treasury is getting bled dry by a bunch of pricey mercenaries). To make things even worse, tomorrow's a Sunday, and the judge can't miss church (nor the football game which comes on TV at 3 PM sharp)! The jury must now present their verdicts. No more days are allowed.
Post edited January 18, 2016 by zeogold
Can we have a recess now? My gol derned tonsils are singin' "Anchors Away".
Not guilty

Reason in PM.
Shot through the heart, you say?
Post edited January 18, 2016 by bler144
bler144: Shot through the heart, you say?
Gotta say ya'll got might fine taste in tunes for a smurf.
Wow.. things have been moving fast around here! xD
Imma readup the case log again.
Post edited January 18, 2016 by mikopotato
Given all the evidence made available. I find the defendant Not Guilty of robbery.

Reason will be PMed shortly.