zeogold: He's on trial for robbery, however. If you want to accuse him of a different crime, let's save that for another trial. I take it you want to lock in your official verdict as
Not Guilty? You are not allowed to change this later.
bler144: Eh, I'm not really playing to win, so I'm in no rush.
Unless everyone else is willing to issue a verdict I still think the best evidence choice for today is field or car.
Well, I mean, you gave a private message, so...
I can't tell whether you're just trying to explain your reasoning to me for the heck of it or are locking in your vote, which you are allowed to do at any time, even on Day 2.
Again, please bold any votes you make.
It's also worth mentioning that if you DO give that vote/explanation today and it ends up right, you'll have solved this case so fast, the entire thing will have seemed like...
...a bler.