Smannesman: Wow, I never quite get why people feel the need to share stuff like this with complete strangers but if it makes you feel better.
ShadowAngel.207: Because privacy is dead. Everybody is whoring their private life out to the world, be it in forums, Twitter, Facebook or wherever and most of the time it is because they are attention whores. They want their 5 minutes of fame where finally, some people talk about them.
In most cases yeah, unfortunately. The digital era have made us perverse screamers where likes and sympathy is more important to our egos, than actual compassion for one another.
But I like to look at it and think the same as we do in paramedics: The whom screams the most, is the one that doesn't need help (referring to when, lets say after a car crash, the ABCs are the most important, as the one who screams already have those in order).
Many also needs to just get "it" out. Depression and PTSD isn't something that just goes away, even on special clinics. It's about learning how to live with it, to get help sooner than later, and cope with episodes that may arise.
drealmer7: I hope you find strength to move on. If you can't have contact with her at all, AND doesn't now where she is or WITH whom, even though you're not an obsessive stalker with a court order - I'm sorry to be direct - she doesn't need you... If she really did you would know where and what.
Relationship without trust is like having a phone with no net... and what do we do then - we play games.
And please, treat your animals with a big heart and lots of snacks :D