Hmmm as a side comment on all of this, i kinda prefer games and programs where i can just extract them and use them. Like portable apps. Don't need to install into the OS, or need Registry entries or any such crap.
The second part of that is that it doesn't need a second temporary home while extracting, it writes the files as it extracts, which is a plus.
Third, would be if maybe games had a layout as a mountable ISO, which would be for a large chunk of static data, and depending on the filesystem better cluster layout. In some ways it feels like ripping a CD game and playing it from the computer while it thinks you have a game in the CD-ROM. Thus a handful of needed files and a directory for mods and savegame data, and the rest as a singular block of data.
Xeshra: 8 TB is still not affordable, and in general any PCIE 5.0 drive...
Yeah, imagine how it feels setting up a RAID drive where it's 4, 10TB drives... Expensive.
Themken: 1TB and 2TB are good price/storage space and 4TB, while not as good, is at least semidecent. It is when you go above that it gets ridiculous.
Could get several and RAID-0 them. Then you get the best space vs cost.