Pangaea666: No real content in the updates so far (just a paragraph here and there with generic ideas), so I have pretty much decided to pull out of this one. Don't trust them. I see this comment from the official account in their comments, though, so I'll probably wait a day and see what may happen.
The facebook post hasn't seen many shares lately but we will mention in the next update (dialogue-heavy gameplay video!) so hopefully more people will learn about it. The way I see it, they're either lying through their teeth about the game being almost finished, just needing some more funds for the last year, or it's the worst-run kickstarter campaign that I have ever come across.
Captainchicken84: I don't know what you are up to, either you're a troll or just outright paranoid, they provided already more than any other developer on kickstarter, remember Pillars of Eternity 1, they had hardly anything to show, and yet they gave us one of the best rpg's since the last decade.
Did you only pledge to that project (cause i saw your comment on the kickstarter page) so you can spread your doubts, if you can't trust people at all, then maybe you should just restrain yourself from backing projects.
I also get that some healthy skepticism is good, but your's is just outright unfair.
Why don't you just relax yourself and see what the future holds up for that project, i'm sure there will be much much more to show in the next days.
Christ on a bike. Show some healthy skepticism, and I'm far from alone in being skeptical about this project going by some other sites (basically anywhere you find talk about the game), and I'm suddenly labelled a troll and unfair.
I said I would hold off a little to see what this video would reveal, and as suspected it doesn't reveal much. A new small area we hadn't seen before at least, but the rest is as before, and there are heaps and heaps of features from the game that they haven't shown or said a word about yet. If the game is as close to being finished as they claim, a lot of these things will be reasonably fleshed out by now. Such as character generation, leveling up, party management, skill trees, and so forth.
I started out being optimistic and hopeful for this project, and hoped and expected they would back up their words by showing the game's features and that it was in a reasonably well-developed stage. They have not done this. The bottom line is that I don't trust them. If the game is ever finished and released, there is the option of buying it.
But for now I will pull out of this one.