kohlrak: I understand this thread is about how you can't go to live concerts, anymore, because of the lockdowns, not a thread about the quality of the concert.
§pectre: Of course we can go to concerts. Monkey balls or whatever you call those capsules for vending machine toys..
As much as i hate bullying, this is why it started...
Shadowstalker16: Lockdowns are still trending here, and we'll be getting news about whether the current state-wide lockdown will be extended today. I don't think the world will be 'normal' again anytime soon and in my opinion,
rtcvb32: Don't see why not. The entire lockdown and virus 'pandemic' is BS as far as i can tell. Remember this is compared to the 1917 Spanish flu, which when there was about 1 Billion or so people, killed 60 million in 2 years; while they are pushing everything as 'Covid death' and can't push a million, and they long since went to 'suspected infected' and not even trying anymore. Plus the 'test' has a 50% false positive rate...
Personally, ignore it. They can only push fear so far, the virus is unlikely to kill you unless you're 80+ and have 2+ co-morbidities.
Live your life normally, you'll be safer.
The bigger problem with covid is that the wide array of tissues it affects and the incubation period (despite what the CDC says it is) results in huge risks for permanent symptoms. I know people whom have permanently lost their sense of smell.
coffeedrone: True true. But I dread the day that Ebola will become as you say. ...I'm not gonna say it. Hopefully things will turn for the better in the long run! :D
Arundir: Ebola is not that transmissible, you have to have actual contact with bodily fluids of the infected person, as Morolf said. What I am concerned about is ADE with vaccinated people against COVID 19. The NHS already has a passage of expected worse vaccinated cases for some reason in a prognosis.
This doesn't appear to be the case with SARS-CoV-2. This is the first time i've heard of this, so i don't know the exact mechanism, but my suspicion is with cases like HIV, where the antibodies just aren't effective at all, which does not appear to be the case with covid at all, despite the presense of some components of HIV. The new mRNA technology also makes this less likely to happen, as well compared to old vaccine technology, as far as I can tell.
kohlrak: Ah yes, those of us who believe in smaller government and charities closer to the ground rather than tax credits and random money redistribution, so that those clower to the ground can get the money to those who need it better, rather than the scammers who get it regularly now instead of the many veterans and illegals (i mean, now that they're here and can't really go home) whom can't get it without an address.
haidynn: Then why is it that the people who want small governments don't donate as much to charity? In fact, the people who want big government donate more to charity than the people who claim how much better it would be if we got rid of welfare and just let everyone starve to death.
The usual excuse is, "i already pay taxes for that." Though, there've been some intersting studies saying otherwise, too.
kohlrak: I know you're a troll, and I thank you for feeding me like this, but this isn't much to work with. I know there's no way you'd be able to defend this claim, which means even asking is a waste of time.
Though, I will point out that Trump managed to increase the green card rate by a hell of a lot compared to his predecessors (including Obama).
Hillary won the popular vote, Biden won the popular vote, the majority of Americans voted against Racism TWICE. You can polish a turd like Trump, but it doesn't change the fact that he was a racist Turd who repeatedly called anyone south of the border rapists and murderers.
I'm sure you believe the fine people hoax, too. Or more than likely you don't care, 'cause I already have a rough idea who you are. Just change your account again, and i'll find you again, no problem.