Breja: Yes. Yes you are.
Look, my dislike for this anime stuff is as perfectly valid as other people's enthusiasm. Trying to somehow make it so that only "yay, anime mascot!" is a valid opinion is ridiculous. Fuck that mob mentality.
I'm not saying GOG shouldn't sell games with anime graphics. I don't have a problem with some anime art for a japanese games promo. I just don't like the idea of pushing this stuff as something permanent, because a vocal group otaku is all "yay, new waifu". I'd just appreciate it if a website I frequent didn't become permanently too ugly for me to look at without cringing. I'm so very sorry if that offends you.
Enebias: Don't mistake me for a cretin, I know very well what you meant. Don't try to seem a reasonable person now, the problem is not the content but the exposition. I challenge everyone to state you have been pleasant in the last two years... try to be civil sometimes, please.
I don't care about your preferences, it is your continuous arrogant, pretentious and insulting behavior that disturbs me.
I'm tired of the humongous amount of gratuitous negativity and smartassery coming from your posts in every single thread, and I know for sure many others are as well. I'm just vocal and I like to call things with their name despite the consequences.
My current attack is coming after a long series of examples and since your bad treatment of some of my forum "pals" (which I will not name) already unnerved me, I am simply fed up of staying quiet.
Don't think you are able to offend me, though. I can be offended only by respectable people, not random internet ranters with nothing better to do than hunt witches.
That applies to passive-aggressive trolls like you, to "alt-righters" and "SJWs", don't take it personal. You are all a different kind of awful, disturbers other people's "online peace".
This is most likely the best post I have ever read on the GOG general discussion forum. May you live to be a 1,000 years old, Enebias.