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The Witcher 3.
Well, never bothered ordering those that I don't like, however here are some that appear somewhere near the top:
- Dark Souls - Have tried playing this twice, first time plain, second with a ton of mods. I just don't understand, the graphics are awful, the controls are awful (camera spinning when in menu for instance and it took me ages to actually find the menu), story - none, geared for console e.g. autoaiming. I have no idea why people rave about this other than it must be much better on console.

- GTA 4 - This was the death of R* for me. Full priced on release order, after much discussion with their help desk to work out the DRM I finally played it for around 20 mins before it crashed. Finally played it again recently, wasn't worth the wait. Zero invention, crap sotryline, graphics were average, controls weren't that good.

- BG(1,2 IWD) EE - Blatent money grab. Only thing added in other than a tiny bit of content was a ton of bugs. Then the attitude of f* previous customers who have paid a ton of money to buy the game (several times) as our content only works on the version we have modded to include a widescreen mod. For that attitude alone they are on the worst offenders list.

- Metro games - Have got them on here plus 2033 original. Really don't get it. They are linear, almost to the point of on the rail shooter. Story??? There only appears to be two types of enemy. Graphics and control is ok. Stalker is so much better.

- Halo 2 - Vista only, really? Epic fail.

Oh, and just seen the previous poster (WoW) - any MMO/Social Game.
Post edited August 11, 2015 by nightcraw1er.488
Half Life 2.
Post edited August 11, 2015 by vanchann
Rainbow Fish is way cooler than FreddiFish2!

Because Rainbow Fish has shiny scales and is not just a lame yellow-orange Disney knockoff! ;)
Somebody has to say it:
Deus Ex, Sacrifice, Nox
high rated
Bioshock. The game is basically the definition of overrated. I can't wrap my head around how clever people can believe that Bioshock introduced innovative moral choices when it's a very simplistic binary choice that's worse than what we had in RPGs many years before that.
Charon121: Bioshock. The game is basically the definition of overrated. I can't wrap my head around how clever people can believe that Bioshock introduced innovative moral choices when it's a very simplistic binary choice that's worse than what we had in RPGs many years before that.
+1, it was a load of tosh.
Luned: Rainbow Fish is way cooler than FreddiFish2!

Because Rainbow Fish has shiny scales and is not just a lame yellow-orange Disney knockoff! ;)
Nuh uh! Rom Klancey's Rainbow Fish is overrated trash! While Freddi Fish 2 is an unappreciated gem of gaming that anyone who claims to be a gamer should play! Go back to Salmon child!
And there's Deus Ex.

Metal Gear Solid!

How bout I just list every acclaimed videogame ever and get it over with.

Mass Effect, Assassins Creed, Gears of War, God of War, Halo, Half Life, Portal, Doom, Super Mario Bros. Sonic the Hedgehog (Now c'mon, tell me that isn't overrated!) ICO, Shadow of the Collosus, The Sims, Grand Theft Auto, Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Might and Magic, Dungeons and Dragons, Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Hitman, No One Lives Forever, Farcry, Crysis, Total War, Arma, Operation Flashpoint, Startopia, Psychonauts, Monkey Island, Xcom...

Am I missing anything?

Oh, Fallout, Elder Scrolls, Civilization, Pirates! (Because who doesn't hate that!) Dead Rising, Dead Island, Battlefield, Call of Duty, Knights of the Old Republic (Everyone knows that stinks) Ninja Gaiden, Ratchet and Clank OVERRATED!
Post edited August 11, 2015 by bad_fur_day1
Leroux: Monopoly!
Hear hear!
nightcraw1er.488: Well, never bothered ordering those that I don't like, however here are some that appear somewhere near the top:
- Dark Souls - Have tried playing this twice, first time plain, second with a ton of mods. I just don't understand, the graphics are awful, the controls are awful (camera spinning when in menu for instance and it took me ages to actually find the menu), story - none, geared for console e.g. autoaiming. I have no idea why people rave about this other than it must be much better on console.
I've only played DS2, and the controls are still awful, but you get used to them. No auto-aiming, at least. And the story/lore is actually very rich and intriguing once you manage to piece it together, but this requires NG+ playthroughs. It's kind of experimental storytelling, without NPC who are info dumps, but rather through item descriptions, scenery and vague things that NPCs say.
Final Fantasy 7. That game wasn't even decent and was a disgrace to the series. The game doesn't even let you play much of the time, it's too easy after the start, the game punishes you for progressing the game past a certain point, there are deliberate permanent missables, etc.

Zelda: Link's Awakening. This is when the Zelda series started to become too puzzle focused and had too much stuff you had to do between levels. Also, this game was too linear (without the select glitch, of course).

Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Might have been a good game if it weren't for the frustrating mandatory stealth sequences that do not belong in a Zelda game. They are *much* worse than wallmasters.

Edit: Baldur's Gate 1 and 2. Moving away from turn-based combat did not do the genre any favors. Plus, BG1 is *not fun* at low levels (and the game keeps you at level 1 for far too long), and BG2 is annoying with banter constantly interrupting you when you're trying to do something else. Plus, I don't think having traps to disarm is a good mechanic.
Post edited August 11, 2015 by dtgreene
To this day, Portal remains my uncontested choice for the most overrated game of all time.

Don't get me wrong, it's a good game and I enjoyed it, but it's merely that: good. Not great, not fantastic, and certainly not the masterpiece of divine inspiration that some people were making it out to be.