Smannesman: Day 1 A big helping of disappointment.
Day 2 Same as the first.
Day 3 Even more of the same.
Day 4 Another big scoop of the same.
Day 5 More of the same.
Day 6 You've guessed it, more of the same.
I was like this first few days but I'm probably going to cave in tommorow wallet 20 and get stardew valley and guilty gear x2.
Anyone wish GOG and PC in general had more high quality 2d fighters? That website where you can play old SF for free is kinda meh and don't get me started on SF5. Dragonball xenoverse is oddly the leading fighter on PC these days if you ask me.
Also anyone own zombie shooter? It's like 89 cents and I'm a sucker for bargain bin games that cheap even if they are kinda subpar
Catshade: Just SiN Gold. Hopefully the holiday sale will have a better discount overall.
Yeah I'm impressed with the number of bundles but the discounts and options for bundles are meh. The back to school bundles had more pick "x" which was cooler. This sales bundles were either all or nothing