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The Mafia Trilogy:

Formal announcement and more info coming May 19, but more importantly will it be coming here.
thraxman: The Mafia Trilogy:

Formal announcement and more info coming May 19, but more importantly will it be coming here.
Answer to will it come here is no. At least for several years.

Mafia 2 does not need a remake, it was a great looking game even now and plays well.
Maria 1 could do with some minor updates, draw distance and such like, but would be lacking the music as that was removed due to licensing, so disc based version would be better anyways.
Mafia 3 hasn’t been out that long, and wasn’t very good at all, so why bother?

Free, I maybe waste some disc space downloading, anything else, nah.
Doubt 2 and 3 are changed much on PC, or if they are it'll probably be for the worse knowing how this stuff goes. Would be nice to see further draw distance in Mafia 2 though, I remember it being annoyingly close even at max settings.

The first one... who knows, I feel like that needs a remake and not a remaster. Would love that story with some quality of life improvements.
Mafia 3 could use a proper remake to make it better, the core is fine but the mission structure is so bad that it ruins the entire game with it's repetition, lack of options, lack of alternatives of how to solve the missions which makes the whole main story feel like cut off section side content, go from a to b to do this or kill this then repeat. It's just anti fun and that's a shame.
Post edited May 13, 2020 by ChrisGamer300
Hopefully, 2K will include the music that was removed in the first game.
Post edited May 13, 2020 by Grargar
Saying the series is getting remade seems like a stretch. It's been known since late last year that II was getting a "definitive" remastered edition, just no exact date given because info about this stuff always seems to be "oops, a ratings classification board listed this" style leaks.
TheMonkofDestiny: Saying the series is getting remade seems like a stretch. It's been known since late last year that II was getting a "definitive" remastered edition, just no exact date given because info about this stuff always seems to be "oops, a ratings classification board listed this" style leaks.
It would be funny if the PC version was just the existing three versions in a bundle.
Part 1 needs a Remaster, not a Remake. Although the trailer doesn't actually make clear which of the two it will be.

And most of all, Part 1 needs to have it's soundtrack 100% de-butchered, and restored to it's original uncut form. Otherwise, any Remake/Remaster is going to be a terribly poor imitation of the original/real version.
Grargar: Hopefully, 2K will include the music that was removed in the first game.
They will probably go the cheaper and more crappy route of adding similar music that kinda “fits”. Which it never, ever does, but we will see. Cheers
StingingVelvet: It would be funny if the PC version was just the existing three versions in a bundle.
That's mostly what I'm thinking it is, outside of the remaster of II. This screams repackage. We'll see soon enough though.
I spoke prematurely there.

Looks like it is the "definitive" editions, if this is any indicator:

(Take note of the update with the Microsoft store page link)

These look to be a solid handful of months out though (August 28th).

Also, from a realistic view, I would assume the definitive edition of III is just going to be the game + its DLC.
Post edited May 13, 2020 by TheMonkofDestiny
If i try to search it manually into microsoft store nothing happen...

I HOPE that original version of Mafia1 will NOT be pulled out!
Post edited May 13, 2020 by FulVal
thraxman: The Mafia Trilogy:

Formal announcement and more info coming May 19, but more importantly will it be coming here.
nightcraw1er.488: Answer to will it come here is no. At least for several years.

Mafia 2 does not need a remake, it was a great looking game even now and plays well.
Maria 1 could do with some minor updates, draw distance and such like, but would be lacking the music as that was removed due to licensing, so disc based version would be better anyways.
Mafia 3 hasn’t been out that long, and wasn’t very good at all, so why bother?

Free, I maybe waste some disc space downloading, anything else, nah.
M3 could use some real re-working, gameplay-wise and design-wise. Namely, if they could re-work the game to cut out the grind, Ubi-Soft open-world type of side-questing, and get the player going easily more towards the story would be great.

M1 certainly could use some fixing too - improved shadows, lighting, graphics, the whole works.

I don't know, but does M2 really need much done to it? That game was great, back in the day.
FulVal: If i try to search it manually into microsoft store nothing happen...
Yes, it seems as though it was removed from public view. It didn't have a great deal of info, aside from the date I mentioned and the title featuring "definitive" in it.
As far as I know,2K will not bring those games here,at least for the moment.
Post edited May 13, 2020 by Pyromancer138