thraxman: The Mafia Trilogy: Formal announcement and more info coming May 19, but more importantly will it be coming here.
nightcraw1er.488: Answer to will it come here is no. At least for several years.
Mafia 2 does not need a remake, it was a great looking game even now and plays well.
Maria 1 could do with some minor updates, draw distance and such like, but would be lacking the music as that was removed due to licensing, so disc based version would be better anyways.
Mafia 3 hasn’t been out that long, and wasn’t very good at all, so why bother?
Free, I maybe waste some disc space downloading, anything else, nah.
M3 could use some real re-working, gameplay-wise and design-wise. Namely, if they could re-work the game to cut out the grind, Ubi-Soft open-world type of side-questing, and get the player going easily more towards the story would be great.
M1 certainly could use some fixing too - improved shadows, lighting, graphics, the whole works.
I don't know, but does M2 really need much done to it? That game was great, back in the day.