Posted December 24, 2018
Point_Man: I just want to say, from what i've read a lot of people consider the real main mode of this game to be the survival mode. When the game was originally in EA it only had that mode. They are now adding a story mode to it and have done 2 out of the 5 episodes but from the conversations i've read on the Steam forums a lot of people still consider the survival mode as the main reason to get the game and the story mode as a nice addition that is slowly being worked on. I don't know if a story mode was originally promised, but when i bought it in EA there was only the survival mode and that was the reason i got it.
I was a backer on Kickstarter and I only backed for the story mode. As far as promises go, I seem to remember it was story mode first, survival 2nd. I lost interest when I saw that story mode was more or less forgotten and I was told off when I complained in one of their backer updates.