Posted October 25, 2016
high rated
Feeling down and depressed? Had a shitty day at work? Is THE MAN trying to keep you down? Did your wife just come clean to you about how she's pregnant with Jamal's child?
Well, worry not! I got just the thing to cheer you up! (Well, unless you happen to be would-be scammer jimYs aka jimYs2 aka jimYs_new aka Thornus aka Dreno21 aka...) I proudly present to you the very apex of scammer butthurt:
(Click here, make sure to scroll all the way down.)
Critics are calling it the most formidable trading drama of the season:
"This has become my favorite story line in here" - tinyE
"These last few posts actually led me to a chuckle" - JunglePredator
"10/10 - It's ok!" - IGN
Feeling better already? Well, things are about to get even betterer: To celebrate this momentous occasion, I'm giving away the following keys that jimYs has asked for. FOR FREE!!! Yes, you don't even have to buy anything in return (though it is certainly appreciated and encouraged)! Is this even better than Christmas, or what?!
Alan Wake's American Nightmare
Freedom Force VS The Third Reich
Red Faction
Serious Sam: The First Encounter
Vertical Drop Heroes HD
Humble gift links:
Anomaly Warzone Earth Mobile Campaign
Coffin Dodgers
OlliOlli2: Welcome to Olliwood
Revolver 360 Re:Actor
Savant - Ascent
The Bureau: XCOM Declassified
Since jimYs also asked for The Penumbra Collection (gog), I'll be giving that away as well, but I'd like to do that in a seperate Halloween-themed flash giveaway. So keep your glazzies peeled for that one!
Teh rulez:
1) Don't be jimYs. He and his various alts are exempt from this giveaway, because he felt entitled to all of the above keys on the grounds of... reasons. Something to do with that Alan Wake key allegedly being obtained as a freebie from gog. In reality, it was obtained from a friend, who had obtained it as a freebie from gog.
2) Be an esteemed gog denizen of outstanding repute (i.e. don't be an asshole on the forums. That must not neccessarily have anything to do with that number underneath your user name. I've seen people with 4-digit reps act like complete douchebags in here. And no, the irony of this being a rule in a giveaway that a 4-digit rep user created purely out of spite and vindictiveness is not lost on me. So don't even bother pointing that out in the comments.)
3) I'd like as many people as possible to benefit from this giveaway, so each user is only eligible for one key.
4) If you're in, make sure to name your desired game.
5) You're free to use your key in any way you like. Redeem it. Trade it. Give it to one of your friends. Use it as a birthday gift for your significant other. Post it on a public forum to earn upvotes in a desperate attempt to make you feel popular. Keep it around for Mother's Day. Hell, you can even use it in a trade with jimYs, if you're feeling lucky.
The giveaway ends on Friday, 28th of October 12:00 CET. Good luck!
Disclaimer: I usually am very much opposed to shaming and bullying other users in a public forum. Faceless software corporations are fair game, but individuals are off-limits. But in this case, I'll make an exception. Because trying to scam people while acting like an entitled asshole about it is bad, mmmmkay!
edit: Due to technical abnormalities - and I'm being exceedingly generous calling them that - in the gog forums, clicking the above link may redirect you... somewhere. If you're feeling lost, please navigate yourself to post #13533 in the trading thread. You will find all the juicy bits in the posts that follow.
Well, worry not! I got just the thing to cheer you up! (Well, unless you happen to be would-be scammer jimYs aka jimYs2 aka jimYs_new aka Thornus aka Dreno21 aka...) I proudly present to you the very apex of scammer butthurt:
(Click here, make sure to scroll all the way down.)
Critics are calling it the most formidable trading drama of the season:
"This has become my favorite story line in here" - tinyE
"These last few posts actually led me to a chuckle" - JunglePredator
"10/10 - It's ok!" - IGN
Feeling better already? Well, things are about to get even betterer: To celebrate this momentous occasion, I'm giving away the following keys that jimYs has asked for. FOR FREE!!! Yes, you don't even have to buy anything in return (though it is certainly appreciated and encouraged)! Is this even better than Christmas, or what?!
Alan Wake's American Nightmare
Freedom Force VS The Third Reich
Red Faction
Serious Sam: The First Encounter
Vertical Drop Heroes HD
Humble gift links:
Anomaly Warzone Earth Mobile Campaign
Coffin Dodgers
OlliOlli2: Welcome to Olliwood
Revolver 360 Re:Actor
Savant - Ascent
The Bureau: XCOM Declassified
Since jimYs also asked for The Penumbra Collection (gog), I'll be giving that away as well, but I'd like to do that in a seperate Halloween-themed flash giveaway. So keep your glazzies peeled for that one!
Teh rulez:
1) Don't be jimYs. He and his various alts are exempt from this giveaway, because he felt entitled to all of the above keys on the grounds of... reasons. Something to do with that Alan Wake key allegedly being obtained as a freebie from gog. In reality, it was obtained from a friend, who had obtained it as a freebie from gog.
2) Be an esteemed gog denizen of outstanding repute (i.e. don't be an asshole on the forums. That must not neccessarily have anything to do with that number underneath your user name. I've seen people with 4-digit reps act like complete douchebags in here. And no, the irony of this being a rule in a giveaway that a 4-digit rep user created purely out of spite and vindictiveness is not lost on me. So don't even bother pointing that out in the comments.)
3) I'd like as many people as possible to benefit from this giveaway, so each user is only eligible for one key.
4) If you're in, make sure to name your desired game.
5) You're free to use your key in any way you like. Redeem it. Trade it. Give it to one of your friends. Use it as a birthday gift for your significant other. Post it on a public forum to earn upvotes in a desperate attempt to make you feel popular. Keep it around for Mother's Day. Hell, you can even use it in a trade with jimYs, if you're feeling lucky.
The giveaway ends on Friday, 28th of October 12:00 CET. Good luck!
Disclaimer: I usually am very much opposed to shaming and bullying other users in a public forum. Faceless software corporations are fair game, but individuals are off-limits. But in this case, I'll make an exception. Because trying to scam people while acting like an entitled asshole about it is bad, mmmmkay!
edit: Due to technical abnormalities - and I'm being exceedingly generous calling them that - in the gog forums, clicking the above link may redirect you... somewhere. If you're feeling lost, please navigate yourself to post #13533 in the trading thread. You will find all the juicy bits in the posts that follow.
Post edited October 26, 2016 by fronzelneekburm