Posted October 17, 2016

I've used the wired Xbox 360 controller for testing.
EDIT: Turns out that by doing this, the keyboard won't respond to any keys cept from the gamepad (You can however use keyboard shortcuts). But since the game fully supports the gamepad in menus, it doesn't matter and as of the out of focus issue, you don't have to bring it back. So far i've switched to Windows 7 and then tried the Control Panel when the Windows version switching didn't work.
edit: found it.
For those not in the know, in order to disable Microsoft Xbox-360 (event) you have to do the following:
$wine explorer.exe
in terminal.
Once the Wine Explorer window opens up, click on "My Computer", then "Control Panel" , then "Game Controllers" and there you will see the Microsoft Xbox-360 (event) that you would need to disable.
Post edited October 17, 2016 by JudasIscariot