Posted December 16, 2021

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The right key always opens the right door.
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The right key always opens the right door.
Registered: May 2020
From Other
Posted December 16, 2021
Just tested Tomb Raider Anniversary and it runs great. (Better than in my Windows boot, it seems?)
Im certain that Tomb Raider Legend will also run great because they're both in the same engine, so thanks for the infos on TR titles, eric5h5 and VanishedOne, really!
ciemnogrodzianin: I followed your "nice game with crazy physics" and bought it anyway, despite the rubber banding. Sometimes we just need that dopamine rush through the speed of those crazy rancing games. Will test it later and report if it works.
Also, im on Linux Mint 20.2 XFCE.
Couldn't play GRIP through Wine.
Then the game freezes in a black screen with a grey bar in the middle, before reaching the main menu.
In Windows boot it runs ok <(It doesn't, after further testing and playing, I had terrible slow downs and fps drops... Sadly.). Any idea how to fix this?
And even if I won't be able to play it in Wine, why is Wine asking for a Steam key, in a GOG Offline installer...?
Im certain that Tomb Raider Legend will also run great because they're both in the same engine, so thanks for the infos on TR titles, eric5h5 and VanishedOne, really!
ciemnogrodzianin: I followed your "nice game with crazy physics" and bought it anyway, despite the rubber banding. Sometimes we just need that dopamine rush through the speed of those crazy rancing games. Will test it later and report if it works.
Also, im on Linux Mint 20.2 XFCE.
Couldn't play GRIP through Wine.
Then the game freezes in a black screen with a grey bar in the middle, before reaching the main menu.
In Windows boot it runs ok <(It doesn't, after further testing and playing, I had terrible slow downs and fps drops... Sadly.). Any idea how to fix this?
And even if I won't be able to play it in Wine, why is Wine asking for a Steam key, in a GOG Offline installer...?
Post edited December 17, 2021 by _Line

./ developer
Registered: Dec 2012
From France
Posted December 16, 2021
If Grip freezes before playing a video, you might be affected by this bug: WINE games - Inability to play Media Foundation video files
Several workarounds are proposed in the linked issue report, but the easier one would be to use a recent 6.x WINE development build or the current 7.0 release candidate.
Several workarounds are proposed in the linked issue report, but the easier one would be to use a recent 6.x WINE development build or the current 7.0 release candidate.
Post edited December 16, 2021 by vv221

The right key always opens the right door.
Registered: May 2020
From Other
Posted December 16, 2021

Several workarounds are proposed in the link issue report, but the easier one would be to use a recent 6.x WINE development build or the current 7.0 release candidate.
I will check the link, thank you!
GRIP uses UE4 it seems, and it comes with a UE4PrereqSetup_x64.exe in it's installation folder.
It's weird, because it seems to also use an external music player for the songs in game. There's an executable just for that in it's Binaries folder too.
I have no idea how to make it work. haha
Post edited December 16, 2021 by _Line

./ developer
Registered: Dec 2012
From France
Posted December 16, 2021
That’s too old for an out-of-the-box Media Foundation video support ;)
If you do not have an easy access to a more recent build, these libraries should do the trick:
If you do not have an easy access to a more recent build, these libraries should do the trick:

The right key always opens the right door.
Registered: May 2020
From Other
Posted December 16, 2021

If you do not have an easy access to a more recent build, these libraries should do the trick:
About the Wine build: I installed directly from the site the Wine-Stable Focal* version for Mint 20.X.
Is it wiser to reinstall it with the 7.0 canditate as you said for a wider compatibility?
Reinstalled everything now with 7.0 rc1 version but Grip still didn't ran. Tryed to use Wine 7.0rc1 + the library you linked and it worked, but with terrible performance, unfortunately. Thank you and everyone else for the help. :)
Post edited December 17, 2021 by _Line

New User
Registered: Apr 2021
From United States
Posted December 17, 2021
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No no

./ developer
Registered: Dec 2012
From France
Posted December 17, 2021

winetricks dxvk
It usually improves performances a lot for Direct3D 10 and 11 games. ---
Since it looks like a fun game and is real cheap right now, I bought Grip and will try to add its support to ./ soon.
Post edited December 17, 2021 by vv221

./ developer
Registered: Dec 2012
From France
Posted December 17, 2021
Experimental ./ support for Grip is ready:
From my tests I get native-like performance ;)
From my tests I get native-like performance ;)

Think Different.
Registered: Sep 2008
From Canada
Posted December 19, 2021
Since GOG isn't supplying Mac or Linux installers for The Binding of Issac Rebirth (and apparently the DRM-free Linux version on Humble Bundle is out of date), has anyone tried the GOG version in Wine?

./ developer
Registered: Dec 2012
From France
Posted December 19, 2021

I would still advise against buying them until a native version is added, as you would end up buying game installers with zero support from GOG.

good old gamer
Registered: Apr 2012
From Russian Federation
Posted December 20, 2021
I also decided to wait till they add native versions.

Registered: Sep 2011
From United States
Posted March 02, 2022
Shadow Warrior 3 runs fine with Wine-staging 7.3 + dxvk.
I was a bit surprised they switched to Unreal engine from the custom one and are using DX11, not DX12 in their build.
I was a bit surprised they switched to Unreal engine from the custom one and are using DX11, not DX12 in their build.

Registered: Sep 2011
From United States
Posted April 29, 2022
Has anyone tried playing Evespace 2? I set up vkd3d-proton and the game works, but video sequences don't.