Game: X3: Terran War Pack Version: 3.4 (32-bit)
WineHQ AppDB Link: 3.2 (most recent available)
Installer MD5: 570f6d88f850912852046bda150ce220 setup_x3_terran_war_pack_3.4_(17049).exe
d904068fe35e09ecdc8dbf63fa410877 setup_x3_terran_war_pack_3.4_(17049)-1.bin
7a2e799a9bfe4b37b85933abc9522975 setup_x3_terran_war_pack_3.4_(17049)-2.bin
Distro: Linux Mint 19.3 "Tricia" | Cinnamon | 64-bit
Kernel: 5.0.0-32-generic
Graphics: NVidia GeForce GTX 670
CPU: Intel i7-3930K @ 3.20GHz × 6
Wine Version: Wine Staging 5.6
Install Notes: 32-bit wine prefix.
Packages: gstreamer1.0-libav:i386 gstreamer1.0-plugins-base:i386 gstreamer1.0-plugins-good:i386 gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly:i386
Winetricks: amstream devenum quartz wsh57 wmp10
Extras: Microsoft ActiveMovie - "amov4ie.exe" available
from PlayOnLinux or
Lone Wolf $cripts (installed last)
How does it run: 1) Everything seems functional, including video, and in-game voice audio, but I only played about 10 minutes for testing.
2) Tested on max settings, both "fullscreen" and "borderless", with and without a virtual desktop.
3) Sometimes requires Alt+Tab to get
into the game after startup, due to the the intro popup stealing startup focus.
Details: 1) Full write-up (installation guide) available
2) Yes, there's a native Linux version, but people have been complaining about it for so long the writeup seemed worth the effort.
3) Updating the wine prefix with a new version of wine may require re-installing ActiveMovie.
4) An up-to-date Winetricks is required, as the Ubuntu repo version fails to properly install wmp10.
5) Seems to work well with or without DXVK.
6) Thanks to
WinterSnowfall for re-peaking my interest in getting this running and
passing along his working setup. Much appreciated.