Game: Majesty Gold HD
Installer MD5s: 0f15c085fe31a55f4b5afcd66194e844 setup_majesty_gold_hd_2.0.0.1.exe
WineHQ AppDB link: Distro: Antergos
Kernel version: 4.5.0-1-ARCH x86_64 (64 bit)
Graphics card: Nvidia GeForce GTX 560 Ti
Graphics driver & version: Proprietary 364.16
Wine version(s) tested: Wine 1.9.8 with WoW64 support from the official Arch repos
Install notes: You may need the following winetricks in order to ensure the game runs: vcrun6 and quartz.
How well does it run: Perfect
Details: In order to ensure that the game does not mess with my display resolution I enabled virtual desktop at a 1920 x 1200 resolution. The game's intro videos play in a window but the game itself can be set to full screen using the in-game menu as it supports a 1920 x 1200 resolution.
For my install in order to not have the game crash on launch I had to set the winegstreamer library to "disabled" in the overrides menu. Once I did that I managed to complete the beginner quest "The Bell, The Book, and The Candle" without any problems.