clarry: Frankly I don't put a lot of trust in these random install scripts written by random people on the Internet. Another problem is that they age. Someone just slaps on a "working" wine version, and the script insists on using that from there on, and nobody updates it, ever. With this approach you'll never know if a later version of Wine would run it better. And people get very lazy about reporting bugs and (especially important!) *regressions* upstream, so the likelihood of them getting fixed is lower. I wonder if these scripts are why wine's appdb is seeming so dead these days? There are lots of games whose test results are years old, but then you can find people using old PoL scripts.. which might be using old versions of wine along with hacks and fixes when a new version would run the game perfectly out of the box.
My ideal is that there ought to be one definite best version -- the latest version. But it takes work to get there, and people arbitrarily running old versions without ever bothering to test (and report back) on the current release doesn't help.
I really like PoL, makes running games a lot easier, especially meeting each one's special requirements (if they need it). BTW I never use their install scripts as it's outdated.
(please note this might be a rant)
But the problem I have found with AppDB is that it's mods are sometimes very unhelpful, and there are stuff in my submit queue from beginning of February. Also found a mod or two that'll reject a submission without even giving the submission a cursory glance, I resubmitted a few in the last few months were the mod stated that I'm missing data (especially when giving it a gold rating), when the data is there in the original submission. Once had to change the rating from Gold to Platinum just because the mod was to lazy to read the submission: can't remember which game it was, but wrote that to make it work you need to run winetricks directx9 before you run the game, I had the submission rejected twice because I "didn't write how to make it work" (paraphrased), changed the rating to platinum just to bypass the "illiterate" mod. for another mod I wrote in CAPITALS to point to the fact that the info that's "missing" was there if he cared to read the submission. So ja, I don't doubt that dealing with mods that don't really care about moderating, that the AppDB is in the mess that it is