Posted November 07, 2016

Truckin' Along
Registered: Mar 2015
From United States

Newt abUser
Registered: Sep 2014
From Sweden
Posted November 07, 2016

That is probably why the EU commissioner didn't try to claim (anymore) that it saves energy.
As for other pro-DST reasons the article also mentions a reduction in traffic fatalities that outweigh an increase in traffic accidents, more evening sun for workers leisure time, and an increase in retail revenue.
Against is pretty much covered by this thread, but it includes farming in general, increased health risks in the form of heart attacks, complexity taking its financial toll, and inconvenience of making the shift.

- shifting time twice a year, between daylight saving time and normal time.
- in which time zone each country decides to live (e.g. I recall when Russia abolished daylight saving time shifting, at first they had daylight saving (summer time) all the time, but later changed back to normal time (for the whole year).

"Sorry we can't participate in that weekly meeting anymore because now it overlaps with another meeting here. Could you move it by one hour?"
"Sorry I can't because then it would overlap with another recurring meeting I have at that time."
Maybe this wasn't much of a problem back in the 1800s or early 1900s when everything was more local, but now we live in a global world.
I believe I may come across as a frothing-at-the-mouth DST defender, but I'm actually undecided, and want my opinion–once formed–to be well founded.
Post edited November 07, 2016 by MightyPinecone

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Posted November 07, 2016
First time I heard about daylight savings was when I was kid and was messing with someone's cell phone.
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Dayman: Fighter of the Nightman
Registered: Sep 2012
From Brazil
Posted November 08, 2016
I love it. It's past 8pm here and the sun is just now setting. By the peak of summer it should be setting past 9:30pm.

Dad but alive
Registered: Jul 2011
From Other
Posted November 08, 2016
Awesome, VOTED!