HereForTheBeer: Yes, mixed with Great Pyrenees. Weird combo. 85 pound herding / watch dog. But super-sweet. Just wish she'd sleep in, hence the dislike for DST.
Crackpot.756: If "not sleeping in" is your only issue, you're probably a good dog owner. Does she show any herding dog behaviour? I used to have a rat while living with a Border Collie. Dog used to sit in front of the cage (for hours, if we'd let her) and just stare at him, making sure he didn't go anywhere.
We're okay parents. I mean, spoil the living shit out of them but other than that we don't do anything special. She's just a pretty darn good dog with a few annoying breed-based habits. But cute and sweet as anything so it's hard to get upset with the barking and such.
And yeah, she sort of herds a bit. Her big herding thing is that during playtime she tends to always go for the back legs. On my way to a customer I happened upon a guy walking his dog, and it looked like a twin of Sadie. Stopped to talk to him and meet the dog, and sure enough, same mix of breeds. After chatting a bit it turns out they share a bunch of habits. Dog breeding is an interesting thing, how the traits mix as the breeds mix, and how consistent they are.
Sniskerbobberton: Got a Staffordshire Bull Terrier cross that makes silly noises when she wants/needs something, she's horrendous when she knows she's about to go out for a walk or when she knows it's tea time! Paws and hollers.
We're thinking Annie <--- is a Staffy mix, too. What a great dog. Ours makes goofy noises, too, usually for treats and attention. Bobblehead dog, smiles a lot, and a complete pushover. And paws. Haha - that goofy dancing around with the head shaking.
HunchBluntley: Axial tilt and distance from the Sun still have their effect on the length of the day regardless. (Perhaps someone should try to eliminate these things through legislation?)
Kleetus: This is why I want Trump to win, he can do this and make 'Murica great again.
Pretty sure he'll get the Messicans to pay for it, too.