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QuickyPixel: Princess Cake
I added a URL to a recipe that seemed close. If you have a preferred URL, just post it as text and I'll convert it. You need a certain amount of rep on the forum before you can post URLs yourself.

I've also alphabetised the list and removed the votes for the moment, since all stand at 1 vote each. :)
QuickyPixel: PS: could not post a link for some reason.
Hello! It's because of your rep count; you need at least 10 to be able to post links. Other than that, it doesn't actually matter! ;)
Russischer Zupfkuchen (Russian Chocolate Cheesecake)
Wow, that looks rich and tasty! And it should merit a vote from Treasure, since it's a cheesecake. :)
Vythonaut: The ultimate holiday cake: Traditional Greek <span class="bold">Small honey cakes</span>

They combine honey, orange zest, cinammon & walnuts in a small but mighty "package". It's sweet, it's sticky, it's tasty, it's full of syrup inside, yet you can hold it in your hand without getting messed up (just don't put it in your pocket like the lady I saw stealing some from a stand the other day!).

It is THE ultimate holiday cake because *presses re-play button* it combines honey, orange zest, cinammon & waln....
That's pretty much exactly what I posted -no idea why it isn't included in Sinistar's comprehensive list especially since I also gave recipes (maybe because I don't consider this stuff "cakes" because, well, they aren't what I'd call a cake -oh, and that other image in Duck Duck search that looks more like a cake, seems to actually be portokalopita/orange pie or something like that...)
Post edited November 20, 2015 by Treasure
Well, all joking aside in my family we have pumpkin pie for the holidays as a standard. My sister insists on pecan pie for hers. We then supplement with whatever sounds good at the time with no set recipes. This year im going to make a simple apple pie.


We also tend to get a Christmas pudding from our family in the uk, which is served with maybe a brandy sauce. To me it tastes of an extra dense and heavily rummed fruit cake. good in small servings

oh crap,

I forgot trifle, think layers of yellow sponge cake soaked with rum, interspersed with layers of vanilla pudding or custard and fresh fruit. topped with whipped cream.. Incredibly good and easy to make. Now that I mentioned that I'm going to make it instead of the apple pie. :-)
Post edited November 20, 2015 by mintee
Hehe, nice idea :)

I don't like most traditional Christmas cakes due to not liking dried fruit (or nuts much), so some alternatives would definitely be nice.

While not particularly festive we often have Trifle or Pavlova.

Pre-post edit:
Oh, I've remembered an actual Christmas related cake I do like!
Yule Log
Which is basically a very chocolatey Swiss roll (for anyone not aware) so you can't really go wrong with that :)
IAmSinistar: And it should merit a vote from Treasure, since it's a cheesecake. :)
Nah, I bet Treasure will vote for Small Honey Cakes (melomakarona)... :D
Treasure: That's pretty much exactly what I posted -no idea why it isn't included in Sinistar's comprehensive list especially since I also gave recipes (maybe because I don't consider this stuff "cakes" because, well, they aren't what I'd call a cake -oh, and that other image in Duck Duck search that looks more like a cake, seems to actually be portokalopita/orange pie or something like that...)
Ah, sorry, I misread your post and didn't think you wanted your items added. Which one do you want on the list, the Melomakarona? And should that replace the other entry for Honey Cake?

Incidentally, I love Kourabiedes myself. Some places around here call them "Greek Wedding Cookies" instead, possibly because they sell them all year and not just around Christmas.

adaliabooks: Yule Log
Which is basically a very chocolatey Swiss roll (for anyone not aware) so you can't really go wrong with that :)
Nice to see this classic choice arrive! And yes, Swiss Roll is very nice. We have a local variant called Pumpkin Roll which appears in Autumn and which is also quite tasty.
Post edited November 20, 2015 by IAmSinistar
Mohnstollen of course!
(sorry too lazy right now to find an English recipe)
Treasure: [...] oh, and that other image in Duck Duck search that looks more like a cake, seems to actually be portokalopita/orange pie or something like that...)
Yay! Not sure what picture you're looking at, maybe I screwed up the search? Forgive me, I'm logged in from my smartphone right now and things are a little difficult regarding functionality.

Here's the correct picture:
IAmSinistar: Wow, that looks rich and tasty!
Yeah and it will definitely ruin your shape.
IAmSinistar: Ah, sorry, I misread your post and didn't think you wanted your items added. Which one do you want on the list, the Melomakarona? And should that replace the other entry for Honey Cake?
It's the same cake! ;)
IAmSinistar: Ah, sorry, I misread your post and didn't think you wanted your items added. Which one do you want on the list, the Melomakarona? And should that replace the other entry for Honey Cake?
Vythonaut: It's the same cake! ;)
Excellent, thanks! I've updated the entry and counted your post as a vote for it. Votes will appear as hearts next to the cake.

EDIT: Looking at the name - Melomakarona - I'm wondering if there is a root-word sharing going on with "macaroons". Certainly seems likely, since both are small ovoid sweet cookies.
Post edited November 20, 2015 by IAmSinistar
My dad makes a wicked pecan pie at Thanksgiving and Christmas, often with pecans from the tree in the back yard. Man. I'd probably have to vote for pecan pie.

But to stretch definitions just a bit, Epiphany is part of the holiday season, and the somewhat bizarre King Cake is the star of that time. My connection to it is much more Lenten (growing up in Texas, fully aware of New Orleans), but I like to stretch definitions. :)