Sachys: Yeah, i'm just making sure they don't do it in company - i.e. in the cave.
Also, you're not my type. try a cephalopod you weirdo! O_____o
tinyE: Did I ever tell you about the time I was at the movies and the guy sitting next to me started jerking off?
It wouldn't have bothered me but he was using my hand.
this aaaand (ugh, I need to reinstall barefoot essentials.... SO much easier)
tinyE: Did I ever tell you about the time I was at the movies and the guy sitting next to me started jerking off?
It wouldn't have bothered me but he was using my hand.
Braussie: I went in the bathroom at work last week and someone left their splooge catching paper towel in the stall. Wouldn't have been so bad, if there weren't fresh soap bubbles on it. And that wouldn't have been so bad, but I almost sat in the soap bubbles on the toilet seat.
... I guess the lesson is not to take a dump in the toilet at work. Instead, I'll crap on the floor next time.
so much laughing. ah, i love the sharp insights and high brow humor this cave has to offer :)