Sachys: Stop avoiding the question. You ate it, didnt you!?!?!!!
Leucius: Hey, where'd my loincloth go??
*points at crewdroogs left nostril!
Sachys: Just watching this (on varying multiverse / alternate reality theories): and it REALLY makes me want to rewatch Sliders (cheesy as it could be).
Anybody else enjoy that show back in its day?! LoboBlanco: I loved it, though, the probability of them getting into the same reality they parted from was almost null.
The two I recall now are the one where women are the dominant gender so men are at home working as housespouses and women are working out of home.
And then the one where Usa is part of Germany since they probably conquered the world :P
arses! replied to this the other night.
i only remember a couple specifically myself: one where the atms gave out free cash, but entered you into a euthanasia lottery, and they "won", and one of the first featuring the neanderthal species from another reality that had also developed sliding