Elmofongo: 1. If you think Braveheart and Kingdom of Heaven are unrealistic portrayels of their battles than don't get me started on the Battles in Lord of the Rings I mean why did so many Uruk-Hai brought Pike Spears,
which is typically used against mounted calvary, to a siege of the Fortress of Helm's Deep?
Thts purely a fantasy film though - based upon a fantasy seriesl of fiction works - not historical happenings / characters. O____________o
You do know the difference between those things, dont you?!
Elmofongo: 2. Yeah thats one of the things that dissipointed me is that we can only have so few units to use. I mean at best the largest you can get is 1500 soldiers by using 1 type of unit that has 75 soliders. And not only that I hate that I cannot make catapults hurl the rocks over the walls to flatten whatever soliders are behind it. And the settlements feels limiting to where I can position soldiers before starting the battles.
Um, I'm pretty sure 2,200 is the base limit (without modding).
My point was that battles were not that big on the whole - mostly famous ones were...
And you still havent found out about the cows yet?! O_____o
I can smell your cheap kebab purchase from here oh Lidl supervisor by day, keyboard warrior by night!
*gnashes teeth in readiness for battle!