Crewdroog: omg i'm laughing so hard right now. well done. :)
Sachys: O___________o
*points out Tom Cruise exhibit on curiously morbid looking passing travelling freakshow
I'm easily amused, what can i say? Simple minds and all..
Meh, I am over that cult. They wanted me to sign some contract that i'd work for them for a billion years for pennies a day (<-- they really do this). I said, "No sir, if you want my slave labor, I demand pickled eggs soaked in panda's milk". They had the audacity to call me a nutter and gave me the boot. So yeah, I'm looking for a new cult.
Crewdroog: ...
And that is just wow. what the hell did you do to be so lucky?
apehater: it's an attempt of nes400 (the alt account master, everything you need to know is in the scammers thread) to annoy and intimidate me, aside from downrepping.
That sucks. The scammer thread makes me sad, plus I don't trade, so I never go in there.