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Leucius: Hello, hermits!
Emob78: Sorry, you're looking for the conversational-free-for-all thread. Way too much happy for a proper hermit cave.
Hmm perhaps.
Good thing about hermits, they don't hug you the moment you enter the cave ;-)
Post edited April 01, 2015 by DeMignon
ugh, each time I choose an avatar these days, I keep getting bored and wanting a new one :/ Maybe I should just get back to Vault Billy...
BillyMaysFan59: ugh, each time I choose an avatar these days, I keep getting bored and wanting a new one :/ Maybe I should just get back to Vault Billy...
I know what you mean... I still keep changing mine because of boredom so if someone has any thoughts on what avatar I should "wear" let me know. I personally like the vault boy one if that helps any.
BillyMaysFan59: ugh, each time I choose an avatar these days, I keep getting bored and wanting a new one :/ Maybe I should just get back to Vault Billy...
cecil: I know what you mean... I still keep changing mine because of boredom so if someone has any thoughts on what avatar I should "wear" let me know. I personally like the vault boy one if that helps any.
We should start a vault boy movement. Look over here <---- It's already started. Jump in now before it becomes cool!
Leucius: [snip]
We should start a vault boy movement. Look over here <---- It's already started. Jump in now before it becomes cool!
Surely you'd prefer it if they vaulted in instead? :-P
I'd prefer pizza.
Driving the truck onto the patio underneath the neighbors overhang to prevent golf-ball size hail from breaking the windshield - priceless humor of taking a pix of the bumper almost in the living room :-)



Momo1991: Driving the truck onto the patio underneath the neighbors overhang to prevent golf-ball size hail from breaking the windshield - priceless humor of taking a pix of the bumper almost in the living room :-)

Somebody call Flash Gordon !
Post edited April 02, 2015 by Sachys
Well, I think gog expanding wrong territories, why they don't expand to Asia we'll having gogpanda instead of gogbear :|
Kung Fu GoGPanda would be a good sidekick for Flash Gordon ;)
thk47: Well, I think gog expanding wrong territories, why they don't expand to Asia we'll having gogpanda instead of gogbear :|
As long as we don't get shirtless Putin riding a gogbear.
*Head asplodes*
Leucius: *Head asplodes*
Take an Asplirin.
Leucius: *Head asplodes*
DeMignon: Take an Asplirin.
I prefer Astin, the stuff from The Dark Tower series :D