Leucius: No new music for some time, but I posted a bunch of stuff for free up on bandcamp while I was away from GOG. If you're interested it's here:
http://timsmidnightmile.bandcamp.com Evening at Tim's is very sloppy, sorry about that one. Keep in mind I have schizo-affective disorder so my music isn't as polished as it could be, because I get very ADHD from the meds.
I would honestly say that your music is just fine sonically, not to mention good! The only thing that I can think of that I would change is that the lead is a bit too forward and punchy, nothing a little knob turning and a bit of reverb couldn't fix haha. Of course I'm "that" musician, you know the one, the one who tends to drown everything in reverb, flanger and of course a touch of delay.
Sort of an odd question but is Fallout: New Vegas supposed to be really easy on Normal difficulty? I'm tearing through the DLCs (about to finish Honest Hearts, already finished Old World Blues and Lonesome Road) and I've explored and cleared a lot of the lower 50% of the map and am about to go after Benny for the second time, and I'm not facing any real challenges.
Deathclaws were (emphasis on were) a problem but I can now take on several at a time without any issue and Super Mutants are super easy to beat. Entire camps/buildings of Raiders or Caesar's men might get me down to half health if I'm dumb. Plus I've gotten multiple skills maxed out, though the only skill I've buffed with perks is Melee. I did choose several perks that gave me DT bonuses though.
I'm currently using a Chainsaw as my main weapon, with a Shoulder Mounted Machine Gun and Riot Shotgun for ranged (and for a change of pace) attacks, and Riot Armor.
When I started the game I maxed out Strength and Luck, with Agility and Endurance close and both were quickly maxed out via the Special perk. Perception, Charisma and Intelligence were left alone and have only been boosted via skill books and implants. I focused exclusively on building Melee up to 100 for the first few levels but have since maxed out Guns, Lockpicking, and Science
So did I break the game with the my starting build and then break it further by maxing out Guns, or is it supposed to be that easy by default? I would bump up the difficulty but since it's a Obsidian developed Bethesda-ian game I would assume that it just bloats the enemy's health bars without giving them any new attacks or adding more of them or making them smarter.