NoNewTaleToTell: I just don't get it, how did TotalBiscuit ascend to gamer godhood? As far as I can tell how he does is echo whatever opinion is currently popular amongst PC gamers, that and his game review series that isn't really better (or worse) than any other name value Youtuber's. Yet you can't question anything he says, or even say that you just don't care about his videos without being branded a console gamer, a Call of Duty fanboy, etc etc. People actually quote him in attempts to win arguments and to seem well versed in certain subjects ("well TB said!", "well according to TB", etc).
Does he have some kind of original creative series going on like a comic or a webshow or even his own game that I'm missing? Is it the accent? You can go to any random gaming forum/blog and find people expressing the same exact sentiments as him (both way before he became a star and afterward) so it's not like he's some kind of prophetic light in the oppressing darkness. I'm not begrudging him his success, I just don't "get" his success, though I will say that most of his fans remind me of the dreaded PewDiePie fans in their fanaticism.
I have watched some of TB's stuff and found it somewhat useful when debating on if I'll like a given game. PewDiePie I don't get the appeal of whatsoever.