Sachys: Indeed!
Just found out earlier this week the serial code from the disc version activates on steam. Handy as the disc is kinda buggered.
When you decide to play stalker, dont forget to play in the order of:
Shadow of Chernobyl
Call of Pripyat
Clear Sky
Lost Alpha
blakstar: OK, thanks! But I've only got the first three listed on my wishlist -- haven't seen Lost Alpha!
Not exactly up-to-date with all of these games! :-)
LA was going to be an official release, but a leak of the beta prevented it.
It's essentially a reworking of the original game concept with a few new ideas etc. lots of new areas, new engine. new graphics. Free.
All made (originally) as a mod, now a fully standalone game.
Also bloody difficult and really only recommended for expereinced stalkers (hence its in last place as it also includes some spoilers regarding plot points / locations in the other games).