BreOl72: I hereby want it to be known, that I, personally, don't
hate achievements.
I just don't need them. But I don't mind them being there in general. I simply ignore them.
I also think, most (?) of them make no sense whatsoever within many games.
E.g.: when I played
the 2013 reboot of Tomb Raider, there was some achievement for killing 100 (?) birds.
Thing is: these birds didn't do anything to you. They didn't attack you, etc. They were just there to add to the atmosphere
(and for getting an achievement, apparently) So, what reason
(other than that achievement) would I
(or anyone else, really?) have, to kill
(so many of) them?
Makes zero sense to me.
The same goes for "You started the game for the first time", or "You used [whatever] for the first time", etc, achievements.
These kinds of "achievements" are simply stupid.
I am mostly of the same opinion regarding achievements. That TR one does sound really strange. Sometimes they can lead you to try or discover new things in a game though too.