Breja: Neither does Man of Steel. Just ignore it, like I did. If someone has taste that bad it's pointless to waste time on even pointing it out.
Elmofongo: I have seen alot of people bashing too much on Man of Steel.
Moviebob, Screen Junkies, Cinemasins, Nostalgia Critc AND Chick, ItsJustSomeRandomGuy, Sams Channel.
Speaking with such rhetoric that this is the worse Superman movie ever.
Even though Superman has been in WORSE than Man of Steel.
l0rdtr3k: Dungeon and Dragons. Come on,Jeremy Irons saved the flick,he unleashed the Hog everytime he's on screen.
But I loved Watchmen and I'm a fan of the graphic novel.
Elmofongo: The opening scene was increadibly well done.
Superman 3 and 4 were so bad they reached out of the screen and slapped you.