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Goodaltgamer: ..And we don't really need stronger laws, the ones already there are sufficient, IF THEY WOULD FINALLY BE APPLIED! ...
Not sure I really understand you here. Either you mean that there is enough evidence for lots of briberies but nobody persecutes them or you mean that it's a crime by itself that Greece doesn't get more money.

Unfortuantely I would say that there is no law and without a law it can be moralic wrong or just plain wrong but not a crime.

If only we have a law in Europe about what happens if someone has financial problems. I could imagine a European insolvency court consisting of independent individuals who then just decide who has to get how much and who has to pay how much and what else they all have to do, things might work much more smoothly, but also all countries would have to give up sovereignty for thsi to work. Do you think they are willing to do it?
Trilarion: However very disappointing a comment in the public German TV ( said that again Ms. Merkel did everything right. Really? This guy must be living on another planet.
Actually those statements in correlation with the prior banking bail-out constitutes a plain simple LIE, which again is punishable by the Law.

Same goes for (some people might remember) of the biggest lie of the LIAR Merkel, just prior to the vote:
Mit mir wird es keine Maut im Inland geben! (short, no Maut with me)

What has been done?

Now the same thing again!


Art 9:
(2) Vereinigungen, deren Zwecke oder deren Tätigkeit den Strafgesetzen zuwiderlaufen oder die sich gegen die verfassungsmäßige Ordnung oder gegen den Gedanken der Völkerverständigung richten, sind verboten.

Art 21:
(1) Die Parteien wirken bei der politischen Willensbildung des Volkes mit. Ihre Gründung ist frei. Ihre innere Ordnung muß demokratischen Grundsätzen entsprechen

(2) Parteien, die nach ihren Zielen oder nach dem Verhalten ihrer Anhänger darauf ausgehen, die freiheitliche demokratische Grundordnung zu beeinträchtigen oder zu beseitigen oder den Bestand der Bundesrepublik Deutschland zu gefährden, sind verfassungswidrig.

Art. 23:
(1) Zur Verwirklichung eines vereinten Europas wirkt die Bundesrepublik Deutschland bei der Entwicklung der Europäischen Union mit, die demokratischen, rechtsstaatlichen, sozialen und föderativen Grundsätzen und dem Grundsatz der Subsidiarität verpflichtet ist und einen diesem Grundgesetz im wesentlichen vergleichbaren Grundrechtsschutz gewährleistet.
(1a) Der Bundestag und der Bundesrat haben das Recht, wegen Verstoßes eines Gesetzgebungsakts der Europäischen Union gegen das Subsidiaritätsprinzip vor dem Gerichtshof der Europäischen Union Klage zu erheben. Der Bundestag ist hierzu auf Antrag eines Viertels seiner Mitglieder verpflichtet.

Why did I posted it (and sorry in German)?

All this describes that our government is acting directly against the law, to be precise our constitution, and due to teh fact, that they hold more than 75% of votes, even the minimum chance of going in front of the European court is being denied. So in Germany thanks to the big coalition, we more live like in a Dictatorship than a democracy and a third of the population supports this (CDU/CSU). I find it rather disturbing!

And if they are acting against the law, this would mean they shall be forbidden.

(Just as a side node:

Some people remember the decision to retract the German decision to retract the Nationality of certain people?
Art. 16:
Die deutsche Staatsangehörigkeit darf nicht entzogen werden. Der Verlust der Staatsangehörigkeit darf nur auf Grund eines Gesetzes und gegen den Willen des Betroffenen nur dann eintreten, wenn der Betroffene dadurch nicht staatenlos wird.)

EDIT: I was not all the way finished Trilarion ;)

This part shall have been together with the other one ;)

As you can see there are already laws i place.

The problem is the evidence is public, but it is (again) not being persecuted. Look at the US, quite a lot of those bankers have been put behind jail! What happened in Europe? (With the same evidence)
Post edited July 21, 2015 by Goodaltgamer
Telika: ... "In some areas yes, in other areas not." ? Cool. Your lungs are about to explode, but let me pressure more, cause, hey, your digestive system works fine, so stop worrying.

So you really didn't get the point. "Complexity" for you still stays at the nose-on-calculator technocratic level, while it is precisely about the necessity to take other factors in account. Factors that cannot be "simply" compressed by more technocratic diktats.

What I attempted to explain to you twice already, is that colonial imposition of a conqueror's system (no matter how "logical" this system looks like in the eyes of those whose society is already so much shaped around it that it became internalized as "common sense") does not work better or faster with "more dakka". Human lives, cultural representatons, traditional systems, endure. Unless you simply genocide and repopulate, you cannot simply replace one culture with another. And you cannot replace one society with another without replacing the culture. ...
I don't really think "In some areas yes, in other areas not." is difficult to understand. Also analogies almost never help. I could easily invent an anology with totally different meaning like for example: "The patient is doing half of what is needed to recover, he takes his pills but doesn't want anything to stop the bleeding. That way he will certainly die."

I understand what you are saying but I'm more optimistic. Times of crisis are a very high incentive to change culturally. And it happens quite frequently. The whole eastern European countries had a much bigger transformation ahead of them in 1989 than Greece has now and still they made it quite well in a not very long time. Even Germany had to continue after World War II somehow (actually one big mistake was that the Allieds did not persecute enough Nazis by far, but then you can see the same in Greece now, a severe lack of justice).

What you completely ignore is that somebody has to finance this transformation. And there is simply not enough willingness and money for a slow transformation. And even then you would still have to push hard. After all if your claim of high cultural inertia is true, then without pushing really hard, you get even nowhere. I actually have never seen a better justification of harsh measures.

If you do not introduce the hardest and cleanest laws against corruption, then this will just continue. You have to press hard, otherwise such things do not change.

That's probably also why the debt restructuring cannot happen now. Without financial pressure the Greek culture won't change at all. Only a lack of money will matter of factual change anything.

Actually I don't even want to change anything about their culture. They shall do whatever they want and however they want to do it. I just want that they do not spent more than they earn. And of course there are more and less efficient ways to spent money. But this is their decision. The only thing I ask is that everyone is responsible for himself mostly.

Greece failed. Deficit spending was not sustainable (it hardly ever is). Clearly they could not go on. Now either they exit the euro and try it on themselves with the pressure of the markets or they let the EU help them. In all cases it's clear that because of cultural inertia you have to press hard but you also have to have patience and give support. The EU did it only half right and in the end they will spent more because of it.

I think the EU could have demanded more in some areas already five years ago like for example the lower military expenses they are talking now or the privatizations (or leases of state property) or the opening of the job sectors or the persecution of corruption, but they also should have gotten much more support like for example by allowing to lower income taxes and investing or supporting investments.

So, would this have killed the patient like you indicated in your analogy? No, I don't think so. I believe, Greeks would have accepted it and Greece would now be in much better conditions because of it.

P.S.: I found this article by Jeffrey Frankel quite enlightning. I agree very much with it.
Post edited July 21, 2015 by Trilarion
Btw. inflation in the euro zone is really, really close to 0%, far below the 2% target which is commonly defined as price stability. Unfortunately this is not good. A bit more inflation now would lessen inbalances by easier adjustment of wages, reduced unemployment and somewhat relieved burden of debt, exactly what Greece or the euro zone needs right now.

Now, how to generate inflation in a depressed economy? Or is the absence of inflation just the result of high unemployment and nothing we can do about it? Or is a moderate change in inflation even neutral and doesn't matter at all. Or is the mother of all bubbles ready to burst and a gigantic inflation will come anyway?

Well to not get overwhelmed, just concentrate a bit on little issues that could be made. Fiscal policy could help, lowered income tax, raised capital income tax and lowered value added taxes but only temporary for a year or two and everything so that the budget stays balanced. Would we see an immediate increase in demand? Would this lead to inflation and/or a growing economy?

Or would the any positive effects by diluted by higher imports and lowered exports? But maybe we could devalue the currency at the same time?

Or a negative central bank interest rate set by the ECB? If only the money is loosing value faster than the goods, people will start buying goods instead of saving the money.

There are many things one could try, but of course the EU countries will not do much/any of them.
Soooo ;) Nearly a month went by
3rd bailout, 91 billion € was agreed on just recently. The IMF is not part of it (yet?)

Meanwhile, Greece state is further deteriorating but also bolstering in other areas (tax income increased due to better collection). With a looming debt cut, nobody invests any money. Refugee situation on Kos is another huge problem. And Tsipras apparently wants to go for reelections once he loses a certain vote past the 20th....

So the endless Greek drama continues and further billions are burned. And at the end? Will Greece be on-par with Bulgaria?

Finally, it can be said that Schäuble lost. Neither IMF participation nor Grexit is anywhere near. And without IMF it's very possible that this will lead to huge ripple effects for the € further devaluing it (which is ONLY great for Germany)

Well... it remains a very sad situation all around.
eRe4s3r: ... huge ripple effects for the € further devaluing it (which is ONLY great for Germany)
Or tourists who want to visit Europe from abroad, taking advantage of the very good exchange rates. I know my family and friends have been talking about it, at any rate. I realize that you are mainly speaking of exports when you speak of how it mainly benefits Germany, but perhaps more tourists might help stimulate local economies a little in other regions. It may be a small thing, a relative drop in the bucket, but it is at least a tiny silver lining.

eRe4s3r: Well... it remains a very sad situation all around.
Agreed, it does. As an American, I'll leave it at that. ;)
eRe4s3r: Soooo ;) Nearly a month went by
3rd bailout, 91 billion € was agreed on just recently. The IMF is not part of it (yet?)

Meanwhile, Greece state is further deteriorating but also bolstering in other areas (tax income increased due to better collection). With a looming debt cut, nobody invests any money. Refugee situation on Kos is another huge problem. And Tsipras apparently wants to go for reelections once he loses a certain vote past the 20th....

So the endless Greek drama continues and further billions are burned. And at the end? Will Greece be on-par with Bulgaria?

Finally, it can be said that Schäuble lost. Neither IMF participation nor Grexit is anywhere near. And without IMF it's very possible that this will lead to huge ripple effects for the € further devaluing it (which is ONLY great for Germany)

Well... it remains a very sad situation all around.
One could see it this way but what I read in the last time is more positive. The Greek parliament has enacted several reforms (with the help of the opposition) and the German (and others) parliaments have agreed to send further billions (with the help of the opposition) and therefore Greece is still solvent. The question is now how to maximize growth (also in the long term)? Unfortunately there still not enough is done in this regard.

And with Greece: Let's see in one year how much the economy has grown (if at all) and how the governmental budget deficit looks like. The debt will surely be restructured one way or another so the by far most important question is how the economy does and how well the implementation of the reforms go?
Post edited August 24, 2015 by Trilarion
Some months later it's possible to see the impact of the all the things that happened. The crisis in Greece is now a bit in the background because of the terrorist attacks in France and the refugee crisis. The support of Greece is prolonged without the IMF.

Problem is that the Greek economy is not growing, it's shrinking, the unemployment is still high, the balance of trade and the budget deficit is still negative and not declining too. Also the stock market is in total decline. The costs of the crisis are still increasing with every day. The Greek people (who voted symbolically No in the referendum) will suffer but those who give the credits too. That's probably the other EU countries.

Something happened last summer that resulted in a lose-lose situation, i.e. everyone agreeing to a deal that hurts everyone.

Why the EU did not include much more support as compensation of reforms - I don't know, I always critisized the powers to be for it. Why Greece under Tsipras did run such a bad campaign asking for debt relief when clearly help with economic growth and unemployment was the key factor to ask for, I don't know either. Also the keeping of the euro might well be turn out to be a mistake in the long run (at least so far it's not a real success story either).

I guess without noticable economic growth until this summer there will be exactly the same situation like last summer only with one year wasted and enhanced numbers of credits which nobody can pay back. Maybe then both sides can negotiate something better, something that is not lose-lose. But judging from the past - they will... until the bubble bursts.
Post edited February 11, 2016 by Trilarion
Bank Dictatorship
Greece should:
1) Leave the EU, the Euro, the IMF and World Bank
2) Reinstate their original currency
3) Default on all debt
4) Nationalize the banks and industry
5) Institute the death penalty for tax evasion and corruption, and create a new police/military body empowered to deliver summary executions for these crimes
6) Confiscate all the bank accounts of millionaires and billionaires and transfer the funds to the government coffers

Problem solved.
Hasn't the EU given Greece to Turkey yet in payment for taking back (read swapping legal for illegal) migrants?
Greece should buy a new car with a really shitty gas mileage, and the city to pay for it all. How about cruise control,. does it come with cruise control? Sure and we will throw in a Blaupunkt.

Problem solved.
nightcraw1er.488: Hasn't the EU given Greece to Turkey yet in payment for taking back (read swapping legal for illegal) migrants?
Not yet, they left this job to our traitor politicians, whom left wing as they are, invited anarchists on 25 (parade + big national celebration for liberation from turks), they brought scumfuges with their shit tents to camp lawlessly in a historic plaza and old statue, some of them even attacked policemen too besides spooking bystanders and some blood flowed. Tsipras' circus of a minister also talked publicly crap and nonsense about our bloody battle for independence, belittling the occasion and robbing it of historic importance + significance and even delinquent anarchist anus-children sabotaged the events, by putting flags down and shouting anarchist motto against parades.

If its ANYONE to deliver greece to turkey, this is the sole purpose of greek (leadership) ITSELF! And left-wing shit-eaters.

Of course, greeks being wiped out (even only figuratively) and all forms of power and authority figures here changing hands, shifting, would benefit me, whom i am defamed, ridiculed, ostracized and kind of doomed to social death, but i never liked heroes, sacrifices and blood spilled for holy purpose, going to waste, as well as dead legends going down the drain. I prefer a destroyed life as is. Better to appease the dead, rather than being appeased by the living. And i have something called consciousness, unlike many, many people, around me...
Post edited March 27, 2016 by KiNgBrAdLeY7
nightcraw1er.488: Hasn't the EU given Greece to Turkey yet in payment for taking back (read swapping legal for illegal) migrants?
As a gift. Worked once. Could work now too.
nightcraw1er.488: Hasn't the EU given Greece to Turkey yet in payment for taking back (read swapping legal for illegal) migrants?
Trilarion: As a gift. Worked once. Could work now too.
In a sense... Should Turkey get Greece now as a "gift", with all its debts and whatnot in the picture, interest payments and whatever else, total destruction of Turkey is ensured!
Post edited March 29, 2016 by KiNgBrAdLeY7