eRe4s3r: And then realize something... this German government
never wanted this bailout. It raised the stakes to something it considered impossible for Greece to agree to, in order to get the result it wanted ( A voluntary grexit).
You realise this know ? We've been denouncing these pseudo-rationnal pseudo-negociations as a hypocritical
sham for pages. Of course the demands were absurdly dishonest, and those who justified them as "required" (and who blamed greek people for rejecting them out of "bad will") were just manipulative.
On the other side, you have the consensus on the catastrophic impact (for Greece) of a greek exit suddenly denied by the foreigners who want the EU to get rid of Greece now that they can. All the previous years, when this exit would have been inconvenient or the rest of Europe, nobody denied it would have been devastating for Greece. Until recently, it was even openly instrumentalized as a doomsday threat. But suddenly, "hey guys, it would do you good, you know".
Anyway. While we're at it.
Trilarion: I disagree with that Greece the reforms went to Greece's breaking point. In some areas yes, in other areas not.
"In some areas yes, in other areas not." ? Cool. Your lungs are about to explode, but let me pressure more, cause, hey, your digestive system works fine, so stop worrying.
Trilarion: In the end I disagree that the short way is opposing the complex solution. A short and complex solution is possible. It is probably consisting of doing cuts and reforms faster but also supporting the economy much more.
So you really didn't get the point. "Complexity" for you still stays at the nose-on-calculator technocratic level, while it is precisely about the necessity to take other factors in account. Factors that cannot be "simply" compressed by more technocratic diktats.
What I attempted to explain to you twice already, is that colonial imposition of a conqueror's system (no matter how "logical" this system looks like in the eyes of those whose society is already so much shaped around it that it became internalized as "common sense") does not work better or faster with "more dakka". Human lives, cultural representatons, traditional systems, endure. Unless you simply genocide and repopulate, you cannot simply replace one culture with another. And you cannot replace one society with another without replacing the culture.
I gave the exemple of that fake "oh noes the greeks they refuse to reform land property" argument. They don't "refuse" to do it. But shifting from one coherent system (even if it doesn't make sense to rational-legal europeans) to another coherent system (that doesn't always make sense locally) is a hellish, difficult, tedious, problem - a problem still unsolved in many regions on the planet where this transformation has been imposed these last decades. It is not a matter of sending enough cops and bureaucrats. Regardless of the propaganda, in Greece this "reform" has been
undergoing for ages, at the cost of much injustice (deadlines after which unresolved properties had been arbitrarily requisitionned by the State). I don't know how to breach your ethnocentrism in few words, because that would require to explicit a lot of false obviousness and implicit "goes without saying" that do
not go without saying, but... Wherever you have centuries of "customary law" informally defining blurry lots (because strict frontiers were not particularily useful) owned by blurry collectives (such as a "family"), in a system that was efficient in itself for what it was being used for, the transition to individual strictly defined land partitions raises many issues for all those involved : the power that one person ends up having on the land (being able to sell it away against the will of the rest), the fleeting consensus about the plot's boundaries being challenged by the need to formalize it ("i always thought we agreed it went as far as that stone ? - no this stone"), etc. Families, communities, get torn apart. Representations of the man-land relationships are forcefully redefined. Unanswered questions (that used to stay unanswered when they didn't need precise answers) become disputes, which cannot be solved. Unwritten (flexible) agreements (based for instance on family memories) turn to bureaucratic violence. It's the hell of a rabbit hole. And far from this, their ass nailed on their seat, Schäuble-like technocrats, completely oblivious of the very existence of enduring alternate systems, shrug and go "
hey, all they have to do is to solve that shit, why isn't it done yet".
That is one exemple, but many other sub-systems to reform are deeply rooted in cultural values and everyday life definitions. This includes many aspects of "corruption" (perceived, from afar, as a mere criminal transgression of obviously brilliant and sound regulations and enlightened "bureaucratic indifference"), that are rooted in enduring networks of solidarities, some region-based, some history-based, some based on the definition of self and family links (the importance of extended family as opposed to the western individualism and restrictive "core family" vision), etc. Again, ethnocentric ignorance make it all look simple and straighforward. "Make a new law". But laws precisely weight little in front of enduring cultural values (and their own set of morality, guilt, duty, mutual responsability). Even when (as in Greece) opposing moral systems are clashing and tearing families apart, you cannot expect the country to switch, at the snap of a fingers, to the full univocal endorsement of the logics of the dominant foreign power. Especially as different logics, no matter how mutually incompatible they are, and how much dysfunctional when forcefully overlapping, are grounded in independantly valid moral worldviews.
These are the levels of complexity that are entirely ignored (worldwide) by the ethnocentered, technocratic, colonial, "suffices to make new laws" wordlviews. You can wave as many "speed is of the essence" arguments, but sociocultural transformation (if even desirable at all in the absolute) are not something that can be enforced and quickened with righteous might and legal threats. The planet does not work like that. "Doing cuts faster" or "imposing more complex rules" is not what tackles these issues. And a lot of other domains than these exemples raise the issues of "what is really at stake for the people" (what -culturally- the military means, what the church means, what the state means, etc). Skip the right and wrong aspect of any of it : you simply cannot invert social representations by shouting loudly enough, and you cannot enforce changes without popular endorsement and legitimacy.
I really strongly advise that you do some research on the issues of colonial administrations and cultural resistances.
Especially in countries where the contrast of logics (between locals and colonists) are even more clear-cut than within "europe", as more directly readable situations can serve as a good starting point to apprehend closer, more ambiguous contexts (closer contexts that can also include regional problems withing a given european country). Or else, it's like... dunno. Need an analogy.
Like playing kerbal without any consideration for stuff like symetry, stability, air friction, weight distribution, etc. And looking only at one parameter (add MORE ROCKETS! why does it whirl and explode? ADD MORE!!). That is exactly what finance maniacs are doing. That is the insanity of economic reductivism. And as it ails, tables are eventually flipped in the name of cultural reductivism (mere culturalist "they are like that, they are inherently evil and absurd, nuke them") which is another denial (of the complexity, ambivalence, and rationalities of cultural variations). Another facet of the same incompetence.
There are simply parameters that have to be taken in account. And they set limits to the colonial expectations of instant sociocultural convergence. If demands (and schedules) are not adapted to it, of course it'll be either perpetual disaster or ragequit.
And as we are so trained to either overlook these aspects (in favor of exclusive financial logic) or naturalize them as monstruosities (beh, greeks are just greeks anyway), an actual european integration is really far from the horizon. The irony is that the presence of Greece in Europe was often presented as an important opportunity for the inclusion of a cultural interface to the "eastern world". I guess more intermediary interfaces would have been needed between Greece and Germany...