Posted July 16, 2015
HijacK: I like political and economic debates and all, but I don't think I'm literate enough, or anyone else here for that matter, for the size of this discussion. Everyone brings just one viewpoint of many and holds it close like a religion. Many are not willing to see the viewpoints of others or even bother to understand them. Some people even come up with frankly preposterous conspiracy theories and spout the most audacious of things. I'm going to be blunt here. I've heard some bullshit here that just breaks the norms even for internet.
Where is this discussion actually going? All I see is a bunch of people arguing over the same points over and over with the occasional argument about semantics. Or maybe I'm just blind, in which case apologies and carry on.
But is there really no consensus in which all parties end up with something?
I like the occasional bluntness if it is paired with politness and isn't one-sided. Where is this discussion actually going? All I see is a bunch of people arguing over the same points over and over with the occasional argument about semantics. Or maybe I'm just blind, in which case apologies and carry on.
But is there really no consensus in which all parties end up with something?
I guess it is a sign of quite high tolerance that even the crudest conspiracy theories are just ignored and nothing else. One could try to expose the absurdity of these theories but I don't have the time for it and even then it would not be certain that people would stop believing in such things. Or should it be deleted by GOG?
On the other hand. Who if not the people must do the discussions in a democracy. Even if we all feel not literate enough, there is simply nobody else available. We have to do it and the result can only be as good as we are smart. That's life. Still I prefer it to a tyranny where someone tells you what to do and what to think. It's certainly worse.
So, yes I agree. We aren't very smart. But there is simply no alternative. Politics is for everyone by definition.
Where the discussion is going? I guess nobody knows. There are no easy solutions. But then, this also makes the discussion so fascinating. And there are huge consequences. In Greece live like 10 million people and their economic fate for the next generations is highly affected by everything that is decided by politicians who are elected by you and me. It's not like a computer game where one just restarts, it's precious real life. So the discussion is in my eyes at least worth it.
Is there a consensus? Maybe. Nobody knows. Does there have to be one? Usually what you do is agreeing on first principles (like democracy, like freedom, like responsibility, like solidarity) and then the rest is logic. Or you find common interests. Or you just look for a win-win solution and spread the advantages for both involved parties equally. But with Greece it's not clear how to do that. How much solidarity with Greece should the rest of Europe show (GB for example shows none)? How much responsibility have the Greeks to carry for themselves? How much of the debt is sustainable? How long should the paying back period last? Which reforms do they have to do? Which not? Who decides? Or would a breakup be better?
The question are not so difficult. Basically they are all negotiable. The official consensus is that Greece stays in the euro, gets 80 billion euros, must cut military and pensions and lift VAT among other things. Yesterday the Greek parliament agreed with a 2/3 majority and today other parliaments will probably too and than the discussion is probably mostly over.
In one or two years we will meet again.
So here is my bluntness: It's every people's duty in a democracy to inform him/herself about politics and have an opinion (hopefully informed one). If you don't do this you open the door wide for every kind of mismanagement or tyranny. Discussions like this one here can help and should not be limited unless there is hate speech or insults or other statements outside of a constitutional framework. The civil part of this discussion helps me sharpen my own opinion and that's good.