hedwards: Is this what the state media in Russia is saying? After your guys blew up that jetliner, I doubt very much that anybody is going to be fleeing from Brussels to Russia. There's issues with the EU, but none that are as bad as what's going on in Russia at the present.
No, this is reality.
US ally, Saudi Arabia plans to purchase nuclear plants for $100B from Westinghouse, US?
No, from Russia:
http://www.caspianenergy.net/en/energy/23858-rosatom-ready-to-offer-saudi-arabia-overall-development-of-nuclear-energy Another interesting thing - in 2014 The Russian Federation was the world’s third largest recipient of FDI
http://unctad.org/en/PublicationsLibrary/wir2014_en.pdf #Isolation
Whom people don't like... Evil warmongering Russians? Or good guys americans, protectors of the world?
Yeah, US citizens are ashamed of being "good guys".
Guess the trend in Europe toward Ukraine and Russia, Who is being seen as a case of EU workers losing jobs?
http://i.imgur.com/HyREuCB.png Putting these facts into your vision of the world for me looks exactly like
http://i.imgur.com/BgJ3dZb.gif About MH-17, there are 3 major versions left:
1. Militants captured ukrainian BUK and destroyed MH-17 by accident instead of ukrainian warplane. Probability for me ~5%.
2. Russia provided militants with BUK and specialists, they destroyed MH-17 by accident/for glory of satan.
This version is created by Bellingcat team.
I don't take it seriously, because it is based on heavily photoshopped images to fit into narrative:
This was second fishy photo for me:
http://i.imgur.com/ikvV6k2.jpg Best explained here:
http://fakemh17photo.blogspot.ru/2015/03/the-donetsk-buk-was-photoshopped-w-e.html Personally, I checked this photo with
http://fotoforensics.com/ -
http://i.imgur.com/QFGEgov.png - What is seen here is that Buk doesn't match to the rest of the image in quality (white noise). Mechanism of photoediting is pretty straightforward - "someone" took photo of the Buk, placed it above real machine and merged layers. Layer with Buk was made transparent to make effect of being taken through windshield, so leftovers of much smaller car still can be salvaged.
First photo which caught my eye:
http://i.imgur.com/EBz6FoE.jpg I swear to god, these are two different machines (GAS-66 design, it has 12 modifications).
http://i.imgur.com/IvTkxAo.png Different lamps, different cabins, different doors. Even different tires.
Bellingcat called them "the same truck" basing only on number plate and toy. Toy have visible tracks of edit.
Fotoforensics highlights it even more:
http://i.imgur.com/jI39dCJ.png So, key evidences of "Buk was transported by militants" and "Russians gave Buk to militants" are photoshop.
Later on it was exposed that Buk 312, claimed to be Russian, belongs to army of Ukraine.
http://russia-insider.com/en/bellingcats-buk-312-caught-video-ukrainian-armed-forces/5570 (sorry for the Russia in link, took first available)
Who is Bellingcat then?
Personally, I think that they are paid photoshoppers, which create fake evidences to implant into social media.
Probability of this version=0%.
3. MH-17 was destroyed by Kiev's forces. Circumstantial evidences (in no order):
1. No direct evidences available. If US posted data from their satellites/ Ukraine from radars which directly pinpointed at militants - all support from Russia would've been stopped, it could've caused riot.
2. SBU posted prepared in advance mashup of old radiointerceptions, which "prove" that militants destroyed jet.
3. MH-17 was destroyed right before meeting in EU over "Do we need to put more sanctions on Russia"
4. Year later records from black box still not available to public. Records of A-320 from France became available in ten days, I believe.
5. Records of talks between Ukrainian dispatchers and MH-17 - classified.
6. Malaysia was kicked out of investigation. They are owners of the plane. As a result, papers circulate only in the EU and US.
7. There is an agreement that results can't be published without Ukrainian permission.
8. Some days after the catastrophe I was on inspection, and with me there were 8 people, which originated from Donbass region. Two of them know some militants and said that there are no rumours about being guilty between militants themselves.
9. Netherlands got 120 tons of gold
10. If there were evidences, militants could've been claimed as terrorists, which justified usage of even heavier weaponry. Still nothing.