Telika: This would be a dishonest usage of the distinction, capitalizing on the lack of stigma of less familiar terms which still describe
the same thought process.
Breja: Only no one here expressed such thought process. Finding fault with, and even expressing vehement disagreement with a countries/nations/ it's goverment(s) actions and decisions in recent years is no way, shape or form the same thing as considering a race or nation inherently inferior or "bad".
It's like if you heard someone say to a guy "George, you're acting like an idiot" and interpreted it as "that guy hates George! it must be because George is black and that guy is a racist!". Only George is not black, and the other guy does not hate him, he just thinks George was acting like in idiot just now. Maybe he is right, maybe not, but he certainly is not racist.
The difference comes from the fact that George is alone. "Greeks are idiots" is another thing. There is the ambiguity of "I mean not all Greeks but most of them" (which you
can find in racist discourses : "blacks are lazy criminals, i mean, not all blacks, but most of them, and i even have a black friend so I am not racist"), but then again there is a temporal distinction : a difference between "they are acting like idiots right now" and "they are idiots", the latter implying some intemporal essence. By the way, we should be also careful about the danger of saying "he is a racist" instead of "he is being racist here", when the distinction has to be done.
But a problem, that really demands attention here, is how easily one slips from one type of discourse to another, once such statements are being uttered. In a same sentence, "they" can mean "the government", "the voters", "the current population", "the a-historical category", etc, without the listeners to notice the slip, and often (outside political manipulative discourses) without the speaker himself to realise this slip. And this leads to fallacies with racist undertones.
In this current context, we are being bombarded with crypto-racist narratives by politicians and medias, narratives that we easily endorse because they simplify the moral issue a lot (how responsible are we supposed to feel towards an evil population ?). Narratives about greeks being corrupt (implying morally corrupt), improductive (implying lazy), or deliberately leeching on EU funds. These narratives make us see an evil The Greek archetype, supposedly representative, and symbolic of the country as a whole. This allows for "punitive" rhetorics aimed at the whole population : "they have to suffer for their sins". The archetype becomes They. As our minds also stops at the first intellectually satisfying explanaton, this sort of racist narrative also spares us more complex understandings of the situations, its causes, its stakes. It's the same rhetorical trick that is being used against asylum seekers and the moral conundrum of international asylum rights : assimilating them to a fraud stereotype lifts the moral duty of solidarity and conveniently allows mass rejection (or default hostility) without impacting self-esteem.
We are in a situation where trains of thoughts can easily be derailed by racist discourses which designate the greek population as responsible of EU's problems due to intrinsic moral flaws. Discourses that enable moral stances (a humanitarian crisis here is no big deal) that would not sound just otherwise. And discourses that provide cheap simple explanations (crisis is caused by greek evils, the rest is fine) that short circuits reflexions on all the mechanisms and collective responsabilities we should take in account. We have to be extremely careful about these rhetorics, and what they imply in terms of representations and consequences.
In short, a sentence like "fuck the greeks they deserved it" is being racist, because of the actual content of the blurry "they". It flickers between "past governments", "current government", "population", "decision makers", etc. But the "they" who get what the "they" deserve is the whle of today's population. And in this (often deliberately) foggy usage of categories lies the idea that the whole population's suffering is justified.
If we intend to avoid endorsing racist logics, we have to be very scrupulous on the statements we endorse. And we have to be attentive to the racist fallacies that sneak into them through their usual rhatorical devices. That's a requisite for a clearer view of the situation.
monkeydelarge: So what you are saying is, a Norwegian who hates Swedes is no different from a racist? But what if he hates Swedes because he hates their culture? Then he still being no different than a racist, right? And so you think, the right thing to do is to call him, a racist?
Yes. Culturalism is functionally equivalent to (racialist) racism. Culturalists and racists hate the same thing : the supposedly determined behaviour and abilities of a human group considered as homogeneous. The difference is only on how they "explain" it, but they "explain" the very same thing.
Some day, culturalism will be a dirty word in the same way as racism. People will realise it evokes the same attitudes. That day, the "i am not a racist because no races" line of defense will be moot.
But the same essentialist and discriminatory attitudes will happen towards categories that are neither cultures nor races, and we'll still have to juggle with these terms in order to designate them (if we don't want to use sentence-long terms that require paragraph-long explanation each time).