blotunga: It's funny how Greece is shown as a negative example and that their people are supposedly lazy (who btw work 42.2 hours/week, compared to Germany 35.6 or France 38).
I think you've misunderstood. It is not really whether citizens are lazy or not, it is about how productive the country is, and what kind of living standards they can achieve with that productivity. Or alternatively, their natural resources (take Norway and its oil as an example, they can be as lazy bums as they want, just sell some more oil, baby).
I wouldn't call e.g. Cambodians lazy. They work like maniacs from early sunrise to sunset on rice fields etc. in inhuman conditions... yet the productivity of the country isn't necessarily that great, and they can't afford many things westerners take for granted like iPads or How come, if working hard is the only thing that matters?
blotunga: Yet nobody talks about how this is actually the fault of the EU. The EU tolerates a cold ware between Greece (because of Cyprus which is EU member yet the north of it is occupied by Turkey) and Turkey (which incidentally is a NATO member together with Greece).
What on earth is that supposed to mean? First, understand that "EU" consists of its member states. How does e.g. Finland "tolerate" the ill feelings between Turkey and Greece? Hell, they had those long before we even joined EU, probably long before the country named Finland even existed. How could we prevent it?
How would you suggest this "EU" would end the cold war between the two countries? Round-up the imaginary EU army, and occupy both Greece and Turkey? Yeah, that's the ticket, and I'm sure the said countries wouldn't resist.
blotunga: And then of course there is the bailout of the banks, another "great" idea, where profits are privatized, but losses become public, thus creating moral hazard.
True and I would have preferred too the losses wouldn't have been privatized, at least outside of those countries which host the said banks (including UK). Then again:
- we are not sure what exactly would have happened in the alternative timeline, did we evade some even bigger crisis with this
- now is now, so we can't keep harping on the past forever. We have to base our further decisions on now.
blotunga: Taking these factors into account, I honestly hope that Greece will do as Iceland did and say FU to credit institutions.
Ahem, wrong analogy. Iceland wasn't in problem due to their overspending to their public sector, pensions and military, but because their banks took too many risks and collapsed. I don't think Iceland even had any realistic means to save the banks.
Iceland said FU to investors from UK and Netherlands who had money on those banks, ie. that they wouldn't reimburse their losses. The foreign investors got angry, but later EFTA court decided that Iceland doesn't have to pay up for them. Yet, to my understanding Iceland has later kept reimbursing those losses from the estate, even if EFTA decided they don't have to.
So what exactly do you wish Greece to do now? Leave euro, and refuse to pay any of their debts back to IMF and other euro countries? Yep, they could do that, but they seem to be unwilling at least to leave euro, and saying FU to your creditors will have consequences as well (like, Greece considered to be too risky for all creditors for quite some time). I personally would also prefer that, compared to preparing another bailout package that Greece will refuse to pay back later as well.
As for the referendum, I'm glad Greece voted no, as that makes the new bailout package at least a bit less probable, and other EU countries less trusting on Greece governments future promises. Tsipras, talk all you want, no one is listening anymore.