Telika: So that's the new little rhetorical shield of racists, nowadays ? Cute. Nicely capitalizing on the semi-neutral and context-dependant value of "nationalism". "Hey, swedes are assholes, but I'm not a racist, just a nationalist", I guess this sounds more cool in some circles, and comfortably re-legitimising for some sort of racist statements... "Racist" would make them sound so consensually bad.
Nice to watch the new tools being put in place. Gotta remove the univocal stigma from some sort of discourses.
Atlantico: But seriously, there are real racists out there, actual fucking racists who *do* believe there are races, and that term is made to describe them. We need that term for that specific purpose. The KKK doesn't care one iota where a black person is from, they'll hate just because of the color of the skin, because they're RACIST.
There's plenty of terms for xenophobes, bigots, etc. which describe exactly what you're so pig-headedly calling "racist", but all you're doing is devaluing actual racism.
You should meet some actual racists and discuss this with them, because whether or not *you* think races exist, *they* do and they're serious about it. Because they're fucking RACISTS.
You are mixing up two issues there. Racialism as a (indirectly nocive) pseudo-scientific belief, and the issue of discrimination.
- Racialism is present in common sense, and even in (especially US) administration : it is the belief that there are different biological races (in the most popular model, 4 "races", basically black/white/yellow/red, other beliefs use 8 categories, etc). It is scientifically wrong and intellectually misleading, as it implies on one hand several discreets categories (defined on independant traits, as if phenotypical continuity wasn't enough to debunk it) and some biological determinism ready to be rhetorically mobilized through arbitrary nature/culture claims. At this point, note how people who do not express any particular hostility to any phenotypical category can still be using this fake "race" category, or believe it to be objectively valid. That is : be "racialist" (as in believing in this outdated scientifical fallacy) without being particularly "racist" in the popular sense (hostile to a physical category of people).
- Discrimination, here, is the fact of hierarchizing the value of humans depending on some "ethnic" category that is attributed to them (the notion of "ethnicity" would take quite a bit to explain, but it's mostly define by a self-sense of collective "belonging", although the category can get sometimes imposed by the outside, which bring up other issues). It used to be very much based on the convenient belief in "races", which is a notion that has been used in many contexts (global like the "aryan" race, or sometimes more national - the notion of "français de souche", and various representations upon which "jus sanguinis" is based, are racialist). The issue with such discriminations is moral and intellectual : they are the problems of essentialization (one "group" is designated as homogeneous and immutable), stigmatization, prejudice, assumptions, etc. Nowadays, as the knowledge that "races" are not a reality gets more and more whitespread, it's main technical form (if you want to nitpick) is "culturalism". That is : the belief that, within one culture (imagined as more homogeneous the more socially remote it is percieved), people are the same, and can be expected to behave like some paradigm supposed to represent them. You can recognize here exactly what is commonly called "racism", for a good reason :
it is functionally completely equivalent. Deep down, it is
the exact same belief on people, rationalized differently. And
it has the absolute exact consequence, morally and politically. It is the same fallacy of essentialism and determinism. It serves the same purpose.
For instance : Whatever the current wave of migrants (italians, portugese, tamouls, kurds, malians, pakistani, etc), you will have xenophobes sprouting the exact same discourse, hopping from one target to the other depending on the epoch. "
Oh, these [insert current migrant wave label],
they are no good, all of them lazy thieves rapists backwards wellfare leeches." Everytime, this has been rightfully judged as a "racist" attitude : explicitely or not it "racializes" a category of people, attaching to them, collectively, negative traits that define its individual members. The arbitrary unfairness (and falshood) of these bigotted discourses has itself been increasingly stigmatized, as society evolved on these points, to the point that such discourses are nowadays considered shameful. And that discourses of that type, wherever it comes from (oneself, news, politicans) ring the alarm bell of racialist/culturalist fallacies. This is what is being called "racism" in a broad sense. And this is why "racism" is now so morally charged. But what makes racism bad is
less the incorrect racialist belief itself than the essentialist and determinist attitude that it represents, not the specific way it is being rationalized. A racist guy will show the same hostility and unfairness towards the ethnic category he judges inferior, whatever his rationalization for this categorization. Whether "bah it's their genes" or "bah it's their culture",
the function is the same : "culture" is here merely a "race" proxy. The issue, the discourse content, its usage,
have not changed.
So, to designate that cognitive issue, and that type of rhetorics, we have the broad term "racisms". As
races do not exist, it doesn't designate the discrimination of a "race". As these discourses are independant from the "grouping's rationalization", it is irrelevant that the utterer of such discourses refers to "race", or "culture", or whatever. It is the mere flavor of it, but "racism", in that broad sense, is a reasoning
structure. In front of racist discourses, you can then, depending on how relevant to the specific context it is, refine the description into subcategories, get more specific, descriptive at a more detailed level, and check which beliefs are used. But the main belief that "these people re wrthless" is the issue, and the reason for the moral stigma on these discourses.
When you say things such as "but then it benefits the
real racialists people", you imply that the racialist subcategory is worse than the culturalist one. You disregard the fact that they are exactly equivalent (all consequences apply to both), and also -if you want to get into the details- how often the culturalist excuse is just a word swapping by people who, deep down, mean "races" (that is, who believe that "cultures" would function like these "races"). By considering that racialism is much worse, you offer to people who hold all sorts of essentialist discriminatory discourses the excuse of "at least i did not use the word race". That is the first effect of ditching the general (morally charged) "racism" term in favor of more technical, less directly charged notions.
The second effect of it is to suppress one global term descriptive of these essentialist discourses. Because you cannot have ready-made words for every each one of their targets. Here, "nationalism" does not cut it, because it signifies something else (an extreme exclusive form of patriotism) and skips the consensual moral stigma that racist discourses (in the broadest sense) have acquired
for a reason. You
could -which I do sometimes- speak of culturalism instead of racism, which is more accurate. But then, most people wouldn't see immediately why it is bad (wouldn't relate "culturalist" discourses to their causes and effects that are now directly attached to the more familiar "racist" rhetoric), and would have to be explained what "culturalism" is. Explanation being : "it is, as it is also called, cultural racism. - aaah (but but how can it be both cultural and racial".
My point is, this current trend of neutral-ization of racism discourses through a cleaner terminology is pure manipulative rhetorics. In this sort of context, focuses on the irrelevant implicit of "racism" (its narrowest definition) in order to keep at bay its relevant content (an old old dusty and familiar essentialist sort of reasoning, that we know the everyday effects of, and are fucking tired of).
a) Racism (racialism) is a subcategory of racism (ethnic-based essentialist determinist discrimination). Hopping semantically from one level to the other, in such contexts, serves to attach a less consensually critical word to a statement of the "i hate italians" or "mexicans are assholes" type.
b) Racism is not an action. It's a cognitive bias. A worldview structure.
c) It's a reflex world interpretation (because of how our brains function : lazily, or i should say : economically), that we should recognize on our own, self-punching our nose when we slip towards it ("fuck these yankees, hm, wait, i'm being a bit of a moron there").