timppu: 25% bigger? Wow, you have exact numbers. Based on what? :)
Based on the growth rate of the Greek economy, what else? Negative growth rate in this case, of course, and it's not an exact number.
If you want a specific illustration, 354 billion GDP in 2008 to 238 billion (est) 2014. That's actually about a third rather than a quarter, but I like to be conservative about such things.
- Why didn't Greece "default" (I presume that to mean both missing paying their debts, and leaving the euro zone) in 2009, and decline the bail out by IMF/EU/ECB?
- Why even now, Greece and Syriza still want to remain in eurozone?
Partly fear of the unknown, partly a belief that the IMF etc had their interests if not at heart then at least not as completely irrelevant for the first. For the second, it's questionable whether they genuinely want to stay now, only thing certain is that they want it to look like it's the EU kicking them out because Euro membership is generally popular and they can also blame them for any economic problems too.
Also, they will get knifed if they go, nothing surer. The Eurozone will not want it to be a credible thing to do lest Spain, Italy, Portugal etc go too so they will make it as nasty as they can, and anyone with any sense knows it. Syriza is a relatively minor problem, Podemos on the other hand is not.
I personally believe that most of Greeks understand being part of eurozone has been extremely beneficial to them, even if they hadn't taken any cheap debt money.
Well, it hasn't, whatever they may believe. The way the Euro is built is a loaded deck/ slanted playing field. The figures I've quoted show it pretty comprehensively.
Don't forget that this pension money is currently for the most part taxpayer's money from other EU countries. Shouldn't I demand that my tax money is spent of Finnish pensions, not Greek pensions? Will Greeks at some point pay our pensions? I doubt it, why would they want to do that, even if they could afford? The sick thing is that we are also living on debt currently, so basically we are increasing our debt in order to pay Greek pensions and public sector wages.
Shrug. That's how the Euro works, if you want the benefits you have to take the costs as well. It's not really unfair in the sense that Greece is at least partly in this mess because the system is unfair. What are you going to do, kick out the PIIGSCS? It won't be fun for Finland when you're the weakest economy left and find yourself with exactly the problems Greece has, because they
are inherent problems that have not been fixed and give all appearances of not ever being fixed because it's politically inconvenient to do so.
Really though, you have the choice of subsidising a country that has 400 billion euro in debt- at 5% bond rate that's 20 billion euro, near 10% of GDP let alone taxes, in interest alone- or letting them go. They're never going to repay that, especially when IMF/ EU policies cripple growth and lead not to 5% growth but 5% recession.
(lots of ideological leftist diatribe how rich people are evil removed, as it doesn't really have anything with my question)
Pfft.There was no 'rich people are evil' about it, my ire
is aimed at neo liberal economic dogma- austerity- because it is demonstrably stupid in this case. Rich people have options, Greece is not a good option, everyone agrees, yet somehow the IMF expects rich greeks to invest there and not remove their money instead- that is stupid, no two ways about it, it's illogical, it's... well, what more can you say. The ideologues think that taxes on the rich should not be raised, pensions should be cut. Indeed, if you want to get self righteous about your money going to Greeks get self righteous about you- effectively- subsidising the well off while a third+ of the population is below the poverty line. Give them money and it gets spent, give the rich money and it goes offshore, that's economics much as neo liberals would like to pretend it isn't.
If anything I suggest that the rich are sensible by not investing in Greece.
I rather suspect you couldn't find any rebuttal and that is why you cut it and put in a childish paraphrasing instead. Because there is no rebuttal- the whole current dispute is that Syriza wanted to raise money by taxing the more well off while the IMF in particular demanded pensions be cut instead; that is what precipitated the current events. Care to show how this rather than taxing the more well off will benefit the Greek economy and lead to increased repayments when you're sucking another 400 odd million euro straight out of their economy? Will the 400 million euro the rich get instead not go into the London housing market or a Frankfurt bank?
Why would anyone want to repay his big debts, if there was a way to weasel out of it? It's all profit, the more you can avoid it.
Yes, I'm sure that this is all some sort of scam to milk cash off the EU. 35% poverty rate, loss of a quarter of their economy, it's all a way to weasel out of something something. Greeks are actually and already the hardest working in Europe, per the OECD.
So should we simply forgive Greece all its debts that we took from the British, German and French banks?
You aren't going to get the money back, I know it and you know it. So, why not recoup off the banks you bailed out?
The purpose of the bail out was to help those banks, not Greece, as people are petrified of another Bear Stearns, let alone another Lehmann Bros, there is as little chance of getting your money back as there was of them getting their money back, less since their economy has regressed 30%. That's a bitter pill to swallow, but that's reality; it's Too Big To Fail and Privatise the Profits, Nationalise the Losses just with Euro banks instead of US ones/ AIG/ GM etc.
Want it not to happen again? You need to fix the eurozone. You can't have monetary union without fiscal union, you can't have it without rules everyone follows. If you can't do it, disband it no matter what ideological attachment the Euro has for the pan European movement. Otherwise this
will happen again.