It is said that online arguing is not done to convince the one you're arguing with, but to convince the one reading it and not posting. That would be me, I guess. And so far, I'm leaning GG.
htown1980: Putting to one side #gg, my philosophical point is, you can't be a member of, for example, the KKK, and still claim to be against racism and still a good person. In that sense, I stand by "guilt by association". Do you disagree with this limited proposition?
I'm posting for the first time here to reply to this, because it annoys me. A lot. Let me take my time replying.
To your direct question, I agree. You can't be a member of the KKK, claim to be against racism, and still be good (in my eyes). But, and it's a big but, so I'll bold it.
But, the KKK is explicitly about racism, that's their core AFAIK. If you're against racism, you can't be part of a racist oriented group. It makes no sense. It is very, very,
very different from belonging to a group that explictly condemn actions done by some of their members. That is what you either don't get, or refuse to acknowledge.
An open group based on a particular idea (ecologism, human rights, nationalism, feminism, religion, whatever) will attract many different people whose only common point is that particular idea, and even that will be to varying extent. Some will be polite and nice, some will be assholes, some will be dangerous extremists. That's a fact of life. But you cannot dismiss the whole group based on those elements. I'll try to explain why now.
If the movement is closed and requires some kind of membership, and yet they don't throw their extremists out, that's very bad. That's explicit acceptance. If you active took your time to enter a group that keeps the membership of dangerous elements, you are accepting those elements. Maybe you misunderstood what the group stands for, maybe it has evolved into something you can no longer agree with. It's a "them or me" situation, and if you stay, you get what's coming to you and have no right to complain.
If the movement doesn't call the extremist actions out, that's bad, as it's an implicit acceptance of those. If not enough people condemn those actions, the whole movement is understood to accept them, therefore if you personally condemn those actions you should either leave the group or admit that your group accepts them, suck it up and try to change that from within. Which you choose has its consquences you have to own and live with.
The problem is with an open movement. Anyone can claim to be a part of it and then do whatever you want, and you can't throw those people out because there is no "out", so long as they call themselves part of the group then they are no matter how many others claim otherwise. You even get to the "no true scotsman" argument. You've got this crazy person doing things you don't agree with, but you can't detach yourself from it. And no, changing the name of the group doesn't help at all, the crazy person will change the name as well and you're back in the same spot.
Worse even, if you allow the existence of dangerous elements to taint not just the name of the movement, but also the idea behind it, it means anybody can false flag a crazy action and automatically discredit anything they want. I don't think anybody wants to live in a world where anybody can say "I'm a, say, capitaist and I think the socialist leader #A needs to be murdered" and everybody automatically goes "capitalism is bad, nobody should be capitalist anymore".
So then, what do you do if your open movement is "tainted" by some crazy person? Well, IMO, you keep pushing your movement and its ideas while simultaneously condemning whatever the crazy people are doing. If you find yourself alone condemning, then you've got a problem and should probably give up. But as long as there's a strong voice condemning those actions within the group, it's worth it. Alternatively, you can just give up, because let's face it, crazy people will act crazy no matter what.
I think #GG has many points its concerned with, and it does condemn its share of crazies. At the very least, that's what I see on this forum. So IMO, they should keep going and ignore all those who say that they should give up because of harassment exists.