Piranjade: You're very close to quoting Anita verbatim here. I'll see if I can find that part of her video later, but I might not have the time as I have a Blood Bowl match tonight.
Reversing the trope is not a "solution" (as far as a solution is needed).
I watched her videos, i remember that she said that reversing the trope is not a solution. But then what it the solution? She never says it. Why is having to rescue someone as a plot device such an "evil" thing?
And why are we discussing about "solutions" when we don't even agree whether or not the problem exists? I still believe Anita and Zoe are pushing their agenda for fame, they are not really interested in making games evolve. And there are reasonable evidences that support my position.
Piranjade: What agenda? To have women portrayed differently in at least some more games? To be aware of how they are portrayed now?
Again you are making up stuff i haven't said. Read my post. What iam against is how much games, developers and publishers are being labelled as "misogynist pricks" because of simple design decisions. Not long ago RPS made an interview with one of the Heroes of the Storm's developers and the only thing the journalist talked about in the interview was how women were portrayed in the game. The "journalist" didn't even ask about the game itself, all he did was push his personal agenda and bash developers because of how female characters were designed. This is not gaming journalism by any stretch of imagination.
And do you really think they care about how women are protrayed in games? Don't be so naive. The PR company behind most sites pushing Anita and Zoe Quinn's agenda (such as Kotaku, Gamasutra, RPS, Destructoid and others) has Anita herself as one of the advisors. Coincidence? Is it a coincidence that all these sites which have the same PR company published "Gamers are over" articles and other BS AT THE SAME TIME? Sure, it's much easier to believe everything is a coincidence and all the evidence gathered so far is just part of a "conspiracy theory".
Also the main PR person that works in that company is Maya Kramer, who has an intimate relationship with Zoe Quinn.
As for "being aware" of how women are portrayed now, i'll tell you something: women are being portrayed just like men. As someone else already mentioned, games are entertainment, not life lessons.
If you dig into the issue carefully without preconceptions, you will note that no one is "bashing" games like Gone Home and others, that deal with subjects in a more mature way and are focused on sending a message, not providing compelling gameplay. This is not a problem. We certainly need more games like Gone Home. What we can't accept is "journalists" criticizing games for not being like Gone Home. Not every game in the market needs to be like Gone Home, not every game needs to have female characters (like AC Unity), not every game needs to have portray women the way journalists think they should (Heroes of the Storm).
Piranjade: On one hand you say nearly the exact things Anita says, on the other hand I wonder if you watched her videos...
Again: Reversing the behaviour - portraying men in video games as women are portrayed now - is not a solution and it's nothing that anybody wants or has demanded as far as I know.
And sometimes i wonder if you read my posts or interpreted them correctly. I never said reversing the trope is the solution, all i'm saying is that it's just a fucking frivolous plot device. Not every game needs a complex story with complex characters, "saving the princess" is enough for a game that's all about the GAMEPLAY, not the story.
It's just that: a plot device. There's nothing inherently evil in that, only Anita and her loyal supporters seem to take offense on something so fucking irrelevant. The thing is: she doesn't know what games are about, she is not a gamer (as she admitted herself in a video that leaked online). Not every game needs complex female characters. No one plays Mario "to save the princess", people play Mario because of the its great gameplay. "Saving the princess" is the background.
Piranjade: Do yo really think that the gaming press has an interest in alienating their main audience? With what they are writing now, they are risking a lot. They are risking loosing customers. (In addition to the apparently "normal" threats against themselves and their families.)
Why would they do that? Do they really have a "political agenda" of wanting to change how women are portrayed in video games? Why should they care?
And that's exactly the question: Why should they care?
As long as you don't have an idea as to why they do what they do will, of course, appear as bullshit to you.
Maybe because all the gaming sites promoting this agenda use the services from the same PR company, which, coincidentally, has Anita Sarkeesian as one of its main advisors? And that this company is the same that is working for a bunch of indie developers who received funds from the journalists from these sites? In the end, they are giving exposure on their site to the game they invested and using the same PR company yo help them achieve their goals. The rabbit hole is much deeper than you think.
Piranjade: The thing is, I haven't actually heard people say things like you put in quotation marks. I have the feeling that it is more like something people think is being said.
That's exactly the accusation. If you don't agree with Quinn/Anita or make games that "objectify" women like using the damsel in distree trope, you will be called a misogynist by her loyal supporters. Actually, the new "insult" is "misogynerd", and even gaming "journalists" are using that insult.
Piranjade: I take my sigh back although I have problems believing that such a blunder was not intentional.
I have already said that it was a mistake, whether you believe it or not is your problem, not mine. Just don't try tu use that to disqualify my arguments because it won't work.
Piranjade: Why not before? Why is this Zoe Quinn case causing the outrage? That's something I don't understand.
I understand the criticism, gaming journalism shouldn't be so close to the subjects they write about because it may lead to nepotism. But that's the way it has been for such a long time now. Why do people blow up so much about Zoe Quinn (and a game that is free to play)?
Zoe Quinn's case was just the spark that caused everything to blow up. People have been fed up with the gaming press for a very long time. Do you think people don't complain when COD gets great ratings by "critics" every year by basically releasing the same game every year? Do you think people were not pissed off with the insane amount of SJW BS in most gaming sites?
If you take a look at the Gamergate movement, you will notice that it's not about Zoe Quinn anymore, it's about corruption in the industry, especially in the indie scene. People found out a bunch of stuff about IGF, for example, and how the "winners" are selected. It's not about Anita or feminism anymore. I suggest you research it more before coming up with conclusions.
Zoe Quinn was just what caused people to dig deeper into the rabbit hole. Ironically, the person who digged most of the information we have is a woman. Yes, a woman, not a white male misogynist fat virgin nerd as Anita and her loyal supporters would make you believe.
Piranjade: I didn't mean that as disrespectful, I mean it in the same line as the people reminding us that is just games we're talking about.
It's just games, but i have a right to criticize when i see something wrong in the industry driving my main hobby.
Piranjade: Nobody is taking that right away from you, just like nobody is forcing the gaming industry to change their games.
Oh, yeah, they are trying to change the industry. First they start accusing game developers of being "misogynists" for no reason. Then they get a bunch of journalists to support them and spread their cause. Then they make "gamers" the enemies of the world by making shitty articles like "gamers are dead" and spreading stereotypes like "every gamer who doesn't agree with us is a misogynist fat virgin nerd who is affraid of women" (i'm seriously not kidding nor exaggerating, this is
literally what some of the articles say). Instead of addressing to valid criticism, they are pointing fingers and spreading preconceptions and prejudices.
Piranjade: And I think the same thing will happen to gaming. We'll have some more games that try to avoid the tropes, we'll have some more games aimed at niche audiences, and everybody will be a bit happier because nobody actually lost anything.
Oh no, Anita and her supporters will never be happy. They need something to boost their fame and get more money, they will always come up with something. They will always create an enemy. Do you really believe these journalists and Anita give a damn about gaming and "portrayal of women"? Don't be so naive. They're pushing this agenda for personal reasons. Anita doesn't even give a flying fuck about gaming since she has admitted HERSELF that she doesn't like games because she finds them "gross". She just got into the gaming side because she saw an opportunity, there was no one talking about feminism in games, she would become famous by being the first one. And she did.
Piranjade: And yes, most people know that they storylines of porn movies don't really represent the real world.
Then, please, tell Anita and her followers that games also do not represent the real world.
Piranjade: You post in a forum. I disagree. I answer.
Apparently you have a problem with me criticizing the gaming press.