Emob78: Oh no. You've done it now. You might as well have just sent Adolf Hitler a get well card. You silly sexist with your sexist game dev privilege.
But seriously, no don't run... don't hide. Don't shy away from GG. Stand your ground and fight. If you run now, you'll end up running your whole life. Some things are worth fighting for. Speak your mind and your ass will follow. Better that than the SJWs, who tend to speak out of their asses in order to find their minds.
jefequeso: Here' the thing, though... I agree with pretty much every sentiment of GG. I agree that videogame journalism needs an overhaul, I agree that there's a concerning bias on display, and I'm against radical feminism. The only thing I don't agree with is the idea that reviews can't discuss anything other than the surface mechanics of a game, but that's beside the point.
The problem is, now, the whole Gamergate thing has turned into party politics. The focus now is on defending "the team" against the other "team." And whether that's justified or not, it means that participating is less a matter of fighting for what you think is right, and more a matter of aligning yourself with a team. And I don't want to do that. I don't want to say "yes, this is the group I'm wholeheartedly part of," then have to be responsible for everything that group says and does.
Particularly when a group is so decentralized and connected together by hash tags and forums. But hey I'm old fashioned. I also don't feel the need to throw my hat in with people I don't know and may not endorse for the exact reasons above.
Though for the record I don't support bullying, corruption, censorship or twitter. Seriously, fuck twitter it just brings out the worst in people.