LeonardoCornejo: True indeed. And that is why companies often reject people with careers such as "gender studies" or "queer studies". You see, you don't want someone who will pester you over their personal life style.
dtgreene: Here is the thing: Studies have shown that having a more diverse work force leads to higher productivity. Hence, it is important to have a diverse work force, and it is therefore important not to have employees that would harass those who happen to be different.
In some cases the different ones are the harassers. Let's use myself as an example. I am Mexican, but, my skin is pale and my eyes green, I would pass for anything but Mexican here. When I was younger I faced discrimination because of that. "Go back to your country fucking gringo" was a rather familiar sentence.
The thing is, let's say because of that I have a chip on my shoulder. Now, let's say I get hired by a company, and every time I have a disagreement with someone, or in any other form I am upset with something or someone in the company I accuse them of racism and present lawsuits stating i am being discriminated because my skin is not of the same color.
Eventually my superiors would want me to GTFO.
Now. Based on that experience they may decide to hire anyone who matches my profile.
It is unfair, I know, but it is their right to not hire someone, even if that harms their business, and it is also their right to do what they must to protect their asse[t]s.
Now. Let's say I move to USA, remember I am Mexican. If I get hired by a company and start suing everyone over racism and discrimination claims they would want my head on a basket.
That is the problem with people in gender studies, transgenders, feminists, some homosexuals, immigrants, black people in some countries, and well, all those focused on their traits. They will sue their employers over discrimination claims so often their employers would rather not hire anyone matching that profile.
It is a fool proof defense mechanism against meddling lawyers and truly oppressive authorities and laws. Oppressive authorities and laws from which SJWs have gained benefit for too long.