Posted May 07, 2016

Have you ever had any part in literary fandom? There was about a decade where I regularly attended most of my local Sci-Fi conventions. Let me tell you this, Gamergate and the Hugo awards are two different animals. Video games have never been a significant part of this community. There may, on occasion, be small computer rooms at some of these conventions, but they tend to be more ghost towns as compared to other parts of the conventions. Because the people involved in these events, read books in their free time, and don't have time to be involved with video games.
So this whole fallacious claim that Gamergate is what's behind the popularity of Sad Puppies; that there are this many people who will shell out $30 (or whatever it was) just to stuff a ballot box for the sake of prejudice is ludicrous to the extreme.
As to Manga and fan art. Unlike video games, that was always very popular. You might think the art is crude by Rembrandt standards, but I've seen Manga drawings and arguably less-talented paintings of dragons sell as well as anything else at the Art Shows. So who are you to say Kukuruyo's art doesn't belong? Are you getting this idea from your echo chambers? And while I personally may agree with you and prefer more "real art" to Manga or Comics style art, in a democratic process, my taste does not trump the taste of others. Seems your version of democracy is free voting for any candidates you personally approve of and anyone else should be removed from the ballots. Sounds Fascist to me.
Back on the topic of Sad Puppies, but seems to me this is a counter-reaction to a movement which started in the last few decades. I'm not sure characterizing it as the same SJWs of video gaming is entirely accurate, I say "PC Culture" is a better term as it applies to films and books. I remember an SNL skit which typified the issue. This was after movies like Good Will Hunting, A Beautiful Mind, Born on the Fourth of July, Forrest Gump were the Oscar darlings. The skit was about the Oscars. One fictional movie was about a paraplegic overcoming diversity. Another mentally retarded, etc. and one nominee was an actor who played Hamlet. And the winner is...a 4-way tie, everyone except the Hamlet guy!
The point is this "PC Culture" movement had taken over Oscar nominations and the Sad Puppies apparently perceive the same thing taking over the Hugos. That the stories nominated have to involve "politically correct" concepts, be written by "politically correct" "diverse" people in order to be nominated. That's all it is. So they decided to create a slate of candidates who may have been overlooked because their stories don't necessarily promote "PC" agendas. The fact people like Vain what to turn them into racists or sexists for fighting back against "PC Culture" just shows how domineering and dictatorial these "PC Warriors" have become.
As to who is right/wrong with the Hugos, I don't have the foggiest. I haven't read any of those books, been spending my time playing video games, but its not hard to take a quick look at the nomination lists and winners and think that its fairly likely "PC Culture" has had a hand in it the same same way certain themes in movies earn an Oscar nomination...
As to Kukuruyo and the pedophile charge. Did anyone in this thread read where this stemmed? He did fan art of Ms. Marvel. The knock against him is that the source material (i.e. Issue 1 had Ms. Marvel as 16). That doesn't mean Ms. Marvel has always been portrayed as 16. Carol Danvers isn't 16 in the Supergirl TV show and certainly isn't 16 in all appearances in comic books. It's pretty clear to me Kukuruyo isn't attempting to portray the 16-year old Ms. Marvel either. Basically he is getting shafted by puritan SJW idiots, the type like Vain who like to use double-standards to their benefit and cherry pick offenses of their enemies, even when these offenses are greatly contrived such as Kukuruyo's.
The type of people where if you can't argue against what someone says, let's character assassinate them instead. For example, Milo's a Republican or Milo's a Gamergate supporter so we can ignore that article... Um, huh? Really? Shoot the messenger and ignore the message? Kukuruyo does fan art; Kukuruyo is on the Sad Puppies list; So ignore his art and don't vote for him. Sorry Vain, there are fans of Manga and fan art. The Hugos are a democratic voting process. He is as deserving as any other nominee and no authoritarian jackasses have any right to say otherwise, especially when Manga and Fan art are particularly popular at Sci-Fi conventions. This isn't the Smithsonian...
I can only hope the actual voters will vote for the best art or books and put their petty politics aside. To vote against someone just for being fan art or pro Gamergate or male is just as bad as voting against books for taking a pro-diversity stance. Let the quality dictate the truth. But alas, we have Vain and other "PC Culture" advocates already pushing their politics through the bullying and harassment of a nominee such as Kukuruyo.