YaTEdiGo: For posterity we have many accusations of fascism by your part, so, and, is you who love Nazi propaganda style here.
Vainamoinen: You're the only one at the time who actually voices racism ad hominem.
No one challenges the abuse from you and you're getting upvoted.
First downvoting a person and then assessing her credibility by looking at the downvote value, that's the same circular reasoning that I find in the SJW enemy concept. Actively partaking in the definition and identification of the concept is taking place at the same time. Yes, that's exactly what my schools have taught me to be darn bad.
Rusty_Gunn: Quinn humanization efforts? Are you talking about in the interview where Quinn basically said harassers weren't horrible & that they shouldn't be outed?
Vainamoinen: I must assume you know nothing about Zoe Quinn, you have no idea what she's been doing the last year and you don't intend to change that any time soon. What kind of second hand source are we talking about here, the RalphRetort? But if for some reason you feel the sudden urge to get informed one of these days, here's a place to start.
Vainamoinen: As to your knowledge concerning call-out culture, public shaming, outing and just generally violating people's privacy as a means of making any situation better in any way: That really, really needs work. :(
The fight against harassment is not the same, and in many cases the exact opposite of revenge against harassers. You may not need to understand that. Candace Owens definitely has to.
Shadowstalker16: That sounds very very deluded. You're overestimating the frequency and damage of online harassment.
Vainamoinen: Does e.g. suicide, depression, social isolation, diverse anxiety states etc. sound like the kind of damage that you find overestimated? Do you e.g. find the percentages from the renowned Pew Research Center to be exaggerated?
Shadowstalker16: I read up the last parts of Owens' article. She describes her project in better detail. She says all she's gonna have on it will be publicly available information that the people themselves post.
Vainamoinen: I don't think you did understand that correctly (which absolutely may owe to the way Owens phrased it). The database can supposedly only be searched by RL names, but will then tie publicly available information of that real life name (employer, etc.) to instances of harassment (proven by screenshots) of the previously anonymous online names. The data itself, including the screenshots, is supposedly supplied by private, anonymous sources, like e.g. friends, family members or co-workers of the targeted alleged harasser.
A potential employer can look up the name of an applicant, find reported instances of harassment that may or may not be true, find screenshots that may or may not be doctored, find a heap of general accusations that may or may not match the information in the screenshots (like on deepfreeze), then decide to not hire the person in question. And unless the person doesn't look up her own name on socialautopsy.com, she will never know why she doesn't get any jobs. And when she finally finds out, it's time for her to get absolutely paranoid, because she will not know who among her associates attempted to and possibly succeeded in ruining her life.
Edward Snowden should tweet about this sick crap.
Shadowstalker16: She also says she ran this through lawyers who assured the legality of what she's doing.
Vainamoinen: She is, after all, living in a country the meagre privacy concerns of which remain the laughing stock of the entire world, so sure, it may be legal there. I'm no legal expert, and particularly not on US law. But mind you, abuse is not automatically illegal, and Social Autopsy still is explicitly meant as counter-abuse.
Shadowstalker16: That is not the only evidence she cites. She cites a lot of stuff. One very important one being that she received a harassment email from a private email she shared with ZQ. Also that Randi Harper claimed responsibility for the shutting down of her kickstarter.
Vainamoinen: The latter isn't new, that blog post has been around since Friday IIRC. And Kickstarter is known for needing a major nudge or two if a project very explicitly violates their terms of service. As to the first info, that isn't entirely correct. It wasn't a private email account as such, it was
a personal work account. One that, as Jesse Singal from nymag.com tells us, isn't actually that difficult to figure out. :|
If it e.g. turns out to be cowens@degree180.com ("private" as opposed to the public contact@degree180.com address),
which is a definitive possiblility, we will have to agree that this is officially Candace Owens' first time on the internet. :|
Shadowstalker16: If her stuff was all legal, then Owens had a right to go forward with it, and she shouldn't have been shut down. Either way, I'm happy she isn't blaming this on GG.
Vainamoinen: Under US law, she may have had a right to make that website, but she has never had any right to collect funds on Kickstarter:
Don’t victimize anyone. Don’t do anything threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, libelous, tortious, obscene, profane, or invasive of another person’s privacy,
Vainamoinen: I'm not sure in what way the concept could be more invasive of another person's privacy, and I absolutely consider it a tool for harassment.
No my "downvoted" (people is downvoted for a reason, not for a "circular" Post-modern constructivism SJW construct idea) you been the first one doing ad-hominems in the most cheap and stupid Godwin Law when you "suggested" in the most cheap sophism ever, that use SJW as a concept was NAZI. Don't make me lose the time quoting you pages ago, as we all know which kind of Goebbles fan you are playing the "OH GG people have LISTS of SJWs, this is so NAZI" meanwhile you pretend to don't know what Twitter did with their "filtering lists".
Lists made my a big company and communication platform, vs. lists made my people without any power about others, beyond list them on the internet. Even if I condemn both things, but you tried to say the first one "was not bad" Do you really consider how much shit is in your brain if you cannot even see the different scale of these both things? Do you really think you are fighting for the rights of people? Haha, seriously... do you consider yourself a "good" person just calling nazis to others for use some words, using cheap sophism, constant euphemisms, ignoring good arguments, and now trying to play the victim?
I bet if you look carefully in the mirror you probably can see that you are wrong.