Posted October 31, 2014
low rated
jefequeso: Oh no... no no no...
I foolishly tweeted something about it with the #gamergate hashtag, and now I've got a bunch of pro-GGers saying they are going to buy my game to support me.
I don't want to be part of this, at all, right now.
My Twitter is exploding.
Ok, I think it's stopped...
please ignore me, internet.
I am shocked and applalled. How dare you! You turned against us! I foolishly tweeted something about it with the #gamergate hashtag, and now I've got a bunch of pro-GGers saying they are going to buy my game to support me.
I don't want to be part of this, at all, right now.
My Twitter is exploding.
Ok, I think it's stopped...
please ignore me, internet.
How dare you not release this game on GoG!
What, you though I was gonna say something else :D
But seriously, looks like an interesting game... I just don't like steam :p