Posted March 10, 2016
Shadowstalker16: Hey, I'm not against them making a movie that may appeal to furries, be it one pushing SJW ideas or not. If its a movie that goes beyond token diversity and hamfisted and obvious agenda pushing, I'm happy it exists. From what you say, it seems it took a more neutral perspective and I'm happy for that. Just be careful about seeing everything as either pro or anti-SJW.
Also, be really careful if you use this username somewhere else. There are people out there who dox people sympathetic to / partake in the furry community. If I recall, there have been bomb threats at their conventions as well. And in general, don't give out personal details such as this on impersonal level discussions. People will think you're weird.
LeonardoCornejo: I am not going to hide in fear over a few idiots. I am not that kind of person. That would be too much white mana for me. I will always carry myself without shame. I AM weird. I have always been weird. It is in my nature to be weird. This user name is my real name, I hide nothing, I am that kind of guy who you know will never commit a crime because he is quite open regarding himself. And so what if someone doxes me? I am in El Mexico, we learn to be more afraid of other things such as our president or el narco. A dox or a knife in the mail are nothing to me. You should check my Facebook Account if you think I reveal too much. You would be impressed. Also, be really careful if you use this username somewhere else. There are people out there who dox people sympathetic to / partake in the furry community. If I recall, there have been bomb threats at their conventions as well. And in general, don't give out personal details such as this on impersonal level discussions. People will think you're weird.
Look at it like game writing. Don't hide everything but one trait. Don't be a token character because you can. Keep more sensitive information for friends / private conversations instead of saying that one thing over and over again. At the end of the day, it is human conversation if you don't take a small effort to meet other people halfway, they won't do the same for you.
TL;DR keep it classy when you're talking personal even if you think classiness is arbitrary.