Shadowstalker16: People give money to go study there? And I thought my college had a bad campus activist problem.
They're crying? And hugging? Literally laying claim to public property? Now that right there is evolution going backwards.
LeonardoCornejo: And this kind of shit is widespread on different levels. SJWs infect all colleges. Just a few months ago my college oppened an "inclusive language course". I am from El Mexico, and in case you don't know (Much likely you know), Spanish is a language in which the neutral is masculine due to the lack of a true neutral word. For example with the word friend, the male is "Amigo" the female is "Amiga" and the neutral is "Amigo" but with "inclusive language" you are forced to say both to state it could be both. Something very stupid and a total disespect to language.
That reminds of the 'African-American' term that was forced down Americans' throats back in the 90s. Very recent example. Suddenly, all blacks needed to be respected by being called African-American, to throw off color labels and give some respect to 'place of origin'. Well, I can place safe money on blacks in England not giving 2 shits about being called African-American. They may have been from Africa at one point in the distant past, but they're certainly not going to be called American by any stretch. Also, last time I checked I didn't see blacks in England burning down cities because they're not being properly called 'Euro-Africans.' How about 'Anglo-cans' for a substitute. Wordsmith nonsense.
Native American is another goofy one. The establishment tells us, 'these people were incorrectly called Indians. They're not from India. They're native of American. Call them Native American.
ALL Americans that are citizens of the United States of America are by definition 'Native Americans.' That's how the law works. That's how we've always done it here. The term switch can't work if it doesn't properly describe something enough to distinguish it from something else. Why not just call all humans 'multi-celled morons' and be done with it. But the political correctness train has no brakes, so we can't event stop for 5 seconds to contemplate these fallacies and social/cultural issues, nor the possible consequences of changing entire languages and customs.
Those are just a couple of examples. Once you begin to distinguish between the concepts of social justice and the actual consequences and effects of its implementation, the quicker you see the whole thing begin to fall apart. When you attempt to apply social justice, which is a very post-industrial, western concept onto different cultures, the silliness of its subjective reality bullshit becomes apparent. The old saying goes, 'when all you have is a hammer, every problem begins to look like a nail.' That's what social justice is. It's a hammer, and every culture, every language is simply a nail that needs hammering.