1) Come on, a bit of self reflection wouldn’t hurt here. Sterling didn’t like a certain game, so you called his review “worst piece of shit”. That has nothing to do whatsoever with journalist ethics.
2) My ‘twisted little version of the world’ happens to be scientific. Trained and distinguished, hello. If you can’t argue within those paradigms, you have a problem with modern science (as does Brasas, unfortunately).
3) Again, you keep forgetting that theories in social sciences can not be proven. You go with the theory that best explains the observed phenomena. If it doesn’t, you modify the theory or go with another.
Daryush Valizadeh’s writings are not “dating advice” in that the interpersonal escapes him completely; he teaches you to prey on isolated women and to force yourself on them, and that is the most favorable review one can give you. People may justly call that raping techniques. What he describes is often rape by the letter of the law in and outside of the countries he traverses. I'm calling him a rapist because he is a rapist, by his own account, and proud of it.
4) A lack of diversity often signals stereotypes and an abundance of incomplex stereotypes results in unimaginative hence boring stories. A story about four extremely similar looking straight white bro dude protagonists (FFXV) isn’t necessarily boring, of course. The occurrence can, however, be a warning signal what to expect.
5) Please do ask Nintendo America about those changes. Judging from what I’ve just read, the FEF stuff is not related to any kind of outrage, and it’s strange that you call it that. Please point me towards that specific outrage in any halfway prominent location.
6) I consult reviews to tell me if the story of a game is all barks and no bite (e.g. Ethan Carter). That’s the primary reason I consult reviews. Different reviewer opinions on a work of art. I guess that's wrong somehow?
7) I made things tangible with a relatable physical analogy, just for you.
8) “done by gamergate” is a misleading verbalization that can not be part of question or answer, because the gg movement is not a coherent group. “done by gamergate supporters” makes more sense; and you can well support a movement’s goals without writing its imbecile name on your flag. It’s quite evident that the people who outright attack Anita Sarkeesian support (often and/or mostly) the same goals, hence they support the movement, hence they are gamergate supporters, whether they want to be seen in that boat or not. We can disassociate the label from the goals temporarily, certainly, but will eventually – say, historically – group the goals specifically with the movement. Here, have a recent example.
http://www.picturehost.eu/uploads/39cf3a5eef1977fb59099f3ade35b087_answer.gif I will theorize that there is, in gaming culture, no OTHER movement that reacts to a single mention of Anita Sarkeesian in a game’s rolling credits special thanks section with ritual and continued, possibly organized harassment of the developer.
9) For probably the 100th time in this thread, I see Anita Sarkeesian’s work quite critically. I have the scientific tools and the cultural knowledge to evaluate what she is doing, its perks and problems. But those are details that are never discussed here, because meaningful discussion about details is hardly possible in circles which concentrate on rejecting the entire body of work in its totality.
10) Oh god it’s freeze peach time. Sure, speak as much as you like. But don’t go to an evolution congress when you’re a creationist at heart, because all you will achieve over there is disruption. While thinking you ‘disprove’ stuff, I might add.
11) You want proof that a stereotype exists? Thanks, that was a good laugh. Hey, while we’re being wildly and utterly unscientific, why don’t you find conclusive proof that a stereotype DOESN’T exist? I mean, wouldn’t that be the holy grail of the gamergate movement?
12) Klumpen has, in this thread, literally demanded that I litter my well formed sentences to the brim with insecurity signifiers, asserting that failing to do so would have me conform to the standards of gamergate’s enemy stereotype fantasy. Look it up, it's a spectacular example of a dishonest double standard bodering on the fascist. For the ages.
While walking to my place, I realized how drunk she was. In America, having sex with her would have been rape, since she couldn’t legally give her consent. It didn’t help matters that I was relatively sober, but I can’t say I cared or even hesitated. I won’t rationalize my actions, but having sex is what I do." ~ Daryush Valizadeh, "Bang Iceland"
(and, surprise, it was
rape in Iceland as well. D'oh).
Concerning the stuff below, in all brevity: 1) Sterling posted a review you found personally insulting. That’s all that happened.
2) You’re treating social phenomena by mathematical standards.
3.1) I consider many theories on media influence. You may still be stuck with catharsis theory in a decade.
3.2) I have the ‘right’ to present a theory without overt insecurity signifiers, and you do that all the time.
3.3) See quote above.
4.1) There is no objectivity in game reviews.
4.2) I won’t define for you what you can look up in any dictionary.
5) So they’re basing their theories on wild conjecture without corroborating evidence.
6) Tell that to the censoring parties, in this case Nintendo of America.
7) I have no idea what you are talking about.
8.1) Bombarding the primary community hub of a freshly released game with imbecile protest threads is a form of harassment.
8.2) “Gamergate” is not a group, it’s a movement that onlookers may define by many other names, say, Sad/Rabid Puppies, a movement the boundaries and morals of which are not demarcated by its supporters – not as long as they’re so proudly decentralized.
8.3) Your logical fallacies are the strawman and the slippery slope.
9) Operation Disrespectful Nod was vile harassment organized in a military fashion with the stated purpose to "effectively dismantle" several commercial websites.
10) Fruitful discourse can only bear a very limited number of purposefully ignorant.
11) Your logical fallacy is the appeal to ignorance.
12) “four extremely similar looking straight white bro dude protagonists” is an accurate description of Final Fantasy XV judging from available footage.