Vainamoinen: Appeal to nature... slippery slope... false equivalence.
Gnostic: The equivalence is true. For the otherkin community and the transgender......
Sorry, for a portion of the otherkin community and a portion of transgender who think like Dtgreene, they choose to disregard physical biology and rely on what one feel he / she / it is.
You cannot use an argument only on a specific issue and choose to ignore the same argument in other issues.
So if you are to accept male and female are interchangeable on the basis of their feelings only and ignore the physical biology, you have to accept humans and animals are interchangeable.
That's not how it works.
There is documented scientific evidence that transgender identities exist, and that being unable to express them can cause significant mental harm (including suicide).
I am not aware of any such evidence about otherkin.
Also, as I mentioned before, my username starts with a lowercase letter, not a capital one.
Gersen: If the baby in question decide in X years in the future that he/she is born in the wrong body and what to change his/her gender that's another story altogether; but it's not the doctor responsibility to care about that and has absolutely nothing to do with what is written in the birth certificate.
The problem with this approach is twofold: 1. if the gender on the birth certificate is not changed, it can out the person later, possibly exposing the person to violence. 2, Changing the gender marker is not always practical; it may involve invasive surgeries that are expensive and not every trans person needs or wants, and in some places it's outright impossible.
It would really be better if birth certificates didn't have a spot for sex in the first place; this would solve the problems that transgender and intersex people experience with birth certificates.
Edit: Another thing to think about: Transgender people are human and therefore deserve human rights; otherkin, it could be argued, are not human and therefore don't deserve human rights. Think about that.