Shadowstalker16: From that article, I think there are both temporary and permanent gender dysphoria, caused by pre-natal irreversible hormone disorders and those caused by minor / time-based hormonal imbalances. I think he has a point in saying not all cases of gender dysphoria can and should be fixed with surgery.
The thing about sex education is just creepy. Shouldn't there be a minimum age for that kind of stuff? If the age of consent is 18 and the average age of adolescence is like 10-14, shouldn't they wait and teach sex ed at an age as close to them becoming sexually active as possible?
LeonardoCornejo: Actually age of consent is a big mess alltogether. I don't even believe it works at all since it is built on arbitrary nonsense. In my country for example the minimum age of consent is 12, in some countries it is 13, 14, 15, 16, and 18, actually the average is between 14 to16 and other ages of consent are less common.
I think age of consent laws are hogwash and we should deal with each case individually based on specific circumstances as well as mental maturity. Because let's be honest, some individuals are not mature enough to consent even after becoming legal adults. That is exactly what causes the current trend of false rape accusations, people who are not mature enough to consent but are assumed to be because of their age.
On the point of sex education, well, most "children" (I prefer the term teenager or tween because calling them children is infantilizing people who before the 19th century were considered old enough to work, go to war, or get married because they were guided into maturity earlier) reach a sexually active age upon reaching puberty, which is in average between 10 to 13 years, Heck, I began to masturbate at 9 years barely knowing what I was doing (And I began to grow a stache at 12). The problem is not sexual education but indoctrination, children, as early as kindergarten are fed with gender theory, heck some groups even want to get sex change surgery for children as young as 4. And many childen are not allowed to grow as normal children seeing the biological norm but in stead forced in the ideological lies of the agenda, they do not discover the irregularities by themselves or through introspective, but in stead are indoctrinated and they grow really confused because they don't know if what they believe is theri own conviction or what they were told (They are indoctrinated in other ways too, for example to believe they should grow up to work).
Regarding hormonal imbalances, well, it is true, many transgender individuals are that way due to hormonal imbalances which may be temporary or permanent, but in general they could be divided in two groups, those who are that way because of hormonal imbalances and those who are that way because of their mind only. Those two main groups may divide further in sub groups.
But in the end it is all a dellusion becaus eby definition a dellusion is a belief that deviates from the percieved reality which can be proved through intuition or common sense. Transgenders are as dellusional as flat earth and hollow earth believers. I mean, no matter how much you prove them through their genitalia, body chemistry, and even chromosomes that they are something, they insist they are not. That is a dellusion. It is not much different to a Cottard's patient or someone who insisted to be a machine despite it's organic body.
I am by no means advocating their discrimination, persecution, or destruction in any form or way. I actually believe they are in the end human beings and as long as they do not cause harm tor their bodies are not rquired as food, they should be left to be themselves. I just think we should llok at things without feelings, objectivelly and putting feelings bellow reality and understand that they are dellusional even if the dellusion is mild and harmless. Paranoia is a dellusion too, and that does not mean paranoid people are ostracized.
I am telling all this as a man who was diagnosed OCD and paranoid tendencies by a professional, I know I might have dellusions or the potential to suffer them if unchecked, and I recognize dellusions as a rather common human defect. Heck, even religious beliefs are dellusional when the believers refuse to acknowledge they are not real even when evidence says so. I mean, a creationist for example is clearly dellusional.
That is the problem though. Everyone cannot be assessed and their maturity determined in any country. And even then, there would have to be an age where the first assessment is done, and questions as to how often it should be redone. Its currently fixed at an age at which the law makers believe is the age of maturity because that is the easiest way to do it. Basically, it takes into account both physical and mental preparedness and also has to take into account probability of having children.
I prefer referring to them as children, since mental maturity needs to be taken into account as well (although given there are 20+ y/os who behave like children, its not very scientific). lol don't share personal sexual experiences on the general forum. Thats what I said as well. Sex education is needed, but forcing it onto kids so early before they even become biologically let alone legally capable of being sexually active is not healthy.
No, hormonal imbalances are the cause of gender dysphoria, AFAIK. But I agree with your permanent vs temporary classification. Those who had pre-natal hormaonal issues for a significant time in the womb will most probably have the permanent variety. And I think all the surgery appeasement and support should be for them; and not for people with disorders of the hypothalamus or gonads.